TrueUSD Whitelist & Transaction Minimum

Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2018

We want to thank the community for their support of TrueUSD.

Since launching in early March of this year, we have received over 2,700 applications for early access to TrueUSD. In that time, TrueUSD has experienced immense growth, with its market cap increasing from $0 to ~$12mm and listings on two top exchanges and many more on the way. At TrustToken, we know that our success is contingent on our customers’ satisfaction. The incredible demand for our first product, TrueUSD, shows your confidence in TrustToken as a company, and we appreciate your support. While working with TrueUSD holders through the whitelist process, there are a couple of questions that have arisen that we will address in this post.

When will I be granted access to the TrueUSD whitelist?

We are diligently working to onboard as many individuals and firms as possible to purchase and redeem TrueUSD. We are whitelisting more accounts each week as our app’s throughput is constantly improving based on your feedback. We anticipate getting through the remaining backlog of applicants in 1 to 2 months. Our goal is that by the end of Q3, the wait list will be eliminated altogether and users will be granted immediate access to the app. Thank you again for your patience and support as we work to open up TrueUSD to the general public.

Is there a minimum for purchasing or redeeming TrueUSD?

Due to the overwhelming demand for TrueUSD, we are only supporting high volume transactions and unfortunately cannot process transactions less than $10,000. Our ability to process smaller transactions will update as we grow our fiduciary and banking network to develop the TrueUSD app. In the future, we anticipate launching ACH transactions for purchases and redemptions of TrueUSD, which could enable the processing of smaller transactions.

About TrueUSD

TrueUSD is the first asset-backed token created on the TrustToken platform. TrueUSD is a stablecoin that you can redeem 1-for-1 for US dollars.

If you’re excited about TrueUSD and believe that you or someone you know could make outsized contributions to the key areas of responsibility in our growing company, please reach out about joining our team.

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