Upcoming Smart Contract Upgrade to Restore Legacy TUSD Support

We’ll be restoring legacy TUSD support by smart contract upgrade shortly. Your TUSD holdings will not be affected.

Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2020


Summary: On Sept 16th, 2020, TrustToken upgraded the TUSD smart contract based on feedback from the Maker & Aave smart contract teams. This contract depreciated many non-essential functions, including legacy TUSD smart contract support.

This caused a small number of contracts, who were using the legacy TUSD smart contract and unable to upgrade, to be unable to move their TUSD. Our upcoming upgrade will restore legacy TUSD support in order to help these contracts and their users. It has been audited and, pending partner approval, will go live in October 2020.

Restoring Legacy TUSD Smart Contract Support

Our September 16th, 2020 upgrade was designed to simplify our TUSD smart contract by removing non-essential features, as suggested by the communities of two major TrustToken DeFi partners, Maker & Aave. Since being deployed, we’re happy to see TUSD has enjoyed even deeper integration into Maker’s DAI and adoption from Aave users.

Though this upgrade made our TUSD contract even more secure and easier to audit, it also depreciated a feature that is important to a small set of TrustToken partners: supporting our legacy (pre-Jan 2019) TUSD smart contract.

While most TrustToken partners upgraded their TUSD smart contract after our original announcement, certain DEX and dApp developers continued to rely on a rely on the old contract through a transfer() function — much like a website offers a 301 redirect.

The upgrade affected less than $150,000 of TUSD, largely held on a single DEX. The upcoming update will make these funds accessible by restoring legacy TUSD smart contract support.

Pending partner signoff, the smart contract will be upgraded October 2020. Your TUSD will not be affected.

Audit Status: Completed

The TUSD smart contract update was audited on September 26th, 2020. Review the Legacy Support Update audit here.

Review the new implementation contract

You can examine the code on Etherscan here or make a pull request on it here.

Review the Legacy TUSD contract

You can examine the legacy TUSD contract here: 0x8dd5fbCe2F6a956C3022bA3663759011Dd51e73E

The legacy contract was launched in March 2018 before the upgradable proxy pattern was standard, and instead of full upgradability, it included the ability to forward transfer() calls to a new address. We migrated to an upgradable proxy in Jan 2019 with a full announcement and instructions for integrators.

Expected Delivery Timeline: October 9th, 2020 or earlier

The code is complete and audited, though is still pending partner approval from the Maker and Aave communities.




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