CBD Bioavailability: Which delivery is best and how much CBD are you really getting?

Trusted CBD Facts
Trusted CBD Facts
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2019

CBD Bioavailability: Does the delivery method really matter?

When you choose to opt for CBD for the therapeutic effects that the compound has on the human body, there are a number of considerations that are probably on your mind.
The most important of these — for most people — is how effective the CBD will be when it comes to delivery of relief or the effectiveness of the CBD product. Each product and every different method of consuming CBD will have a different degree of effectiveness and while this is a long and technical discussion, one major factor is the bioavailability of the compound. If you are hearing this term for the first time, there is nothing to worry about. Here is a brief primer that talks about the concept and how much CBD you are actually getting.

CBD Bioavailability — Why is it Important?

What is Bio-availability?

To put it in the simplest way possible, bioavailability is the degree — and the rate at which — a product or substance is absorbed into your bloodstream. While this is a general term used in pharmacology, in this context, we are talking about the CBD compound in particular. This means that CBD bioavailability stands for the rate at which the compound is reaching your bloodstream and having the desired effect. Under ideal conditions, if you want the maximum effect of the compound, intravenous administration is the only way to get “100%” of the CBD into your bloodstream.

Most people, however, do not want to inject themselves with the product regularly, and this is where all the other methods come up.

Different Methods of Dosing CBD and Related Bioavailability

As there are many different methods of consuming CBD, their bioavailability and extent of effectiveness have been slotted under three main categories below.

Oral Consumption

The first method is oral consumption, which includes CBD capsules, supplements and edibles. This is a very common method because of the ease of use, but in reality, the amount of CBD that finally gets absorbed into your bloodstream is very low — usually between 4% and 20%. The main reason for this is that the compound has to pass through your digestive and metabolic systems, which reduce its effectiveness.

Sublingual Consumption

The sublingual gland is basically just a vein under your tongue, which allows products to be absorbed directly into your bloodstream if they are placed in the area. This method is much more effective than oral consumption as it reaches the bloodstream more quickly, keeping the bioavailability at a higher level — possibly between 12–35%. The most common ways of sublingual consumption are CBD strays, lozenges and tinctures.

Consumption Through the Lungs

Methods: Smoking, vaping, vaporizing:

The last popular method to be discussed is the vaporized consumption. Here, you take the CBD through your lungs by inhaling it through a vaporizing device. This is one of the most popular methods of consuming CBD as it has the highest bio availability when compared to all the other options on this list. According to studies, the CBD is able to break down and enter your bloodstream quickly once it reaches your lungs, taking its bio-availability to 34–46% range. Some studies state an even higher percentage.

Delivery Via suppository

Final thoughts:

Bio-availability is an important consideration, as it prevents you from spending too much money on methods that are not going to be effective.
You can use this primer to pick your methods in a better way now!

