Meet Galina, Data Scientist

By Galina Chernikova

Galina Chernikova
Trusted Data Science @ Haleon
3 min readMar 25, 2024


A little bit about me

My name is Galina Chernikova and I am a data scientist with a background in Applied Mathematics and Informational Technologies, with 3+ years of experience in leading consumer health companies. Currently, I work in with Haleon, where I am involved in diverse data science projects. My passion lies in using data to drive innovation and informed decisions in the healthcare industry.

Photo of Galina at Kew Gardens
Photo of Galina at Kew Gardens

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Growing up, I found myself being pulled in two different directions. On one hand, I dreamed of becoming a ballet dancer, spending hours practicing. On the other hand, my grandmother, who is a chemist, played a significant role in sparking my interest in science. Eventually, I realized chemistry was not for me and I opted for mathematics leading me to pursue a Computer Science degree. Despite my focus on technology, I’ve always held onto my creative side. During my university years, I immersed myself in the theatre community, spending my free time in drama classes and participating in the university productions. Even now, as I am advancing my career in technology, I continue to engage in with the arts and nurture my creative side.

Why did you choose to get into this career path?

I chose this career path because of my passion for mathematics, the subject I thoroughly enjoyed during my school years. Initially, I aspired to become a physicist. However, after observing that many individuals with in pure maths or physics experience ended up delving into programming, I decided to take a more direct route. I wanted to study something that I could immediately apply in the workplace. Thus, I pursued a degree in Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Computer Science. I can now directly apply the knowledge and skills that I acquired during my university my current work, solidifying my decision, and bringing me fulfilment in my chosen career path.

What do you do day to day?

On a typical day, my tasks can vary significantly. Some days are filled with numerous meetings, where I spend majority of my time communicating with colleagues, discussing project plans, and determining the value our work brings to the company. Other days, which I particularly enjoy, are focused on coding and building solutions. During these days, I collaborate with colleagues to brainstorm ideas and implement unique features. There are also days that are filled with administrative work. Overall, my daily activities encompass a blend of communication, problem-solving and coding.

What is your top tip for anyone who wants to enter the field?

Starting out in tech can feel overwhelming, but focusing on the fundamentals can set a solid foundation for success. Begin by mastering the basics of linear algebra and calculus, as they form the backbone of many technical concepts in the field. Additionally, pick one coding language and become proficient in it; this will serve as a valuable tool in your arsenal.

However, don’t stop there. Tech is a vast and diverse field, so once you’ve grasped the essentials, explore different areas and find what truly excites you. Stay curious, keep challenging yourself, and never underestimate the power of continuous learning in this dynamic industry.

What do you like most about working at Haleon?

What I appreciate most about working at our company is our exceptional team dynamics. Our team is wonderfully diverse, comprised of individuals with various backgrounds, experiences, and expertise. This diversity fosters an environment of continuous learning and growth.. I find immense value in being able to learn from and collaborate with my colleagues, as each person brings a unique perspective and skill set to the table. This enriches our work environment and enables us to tackle challenges with creativity and innovation.

