Streamr joins the Trusted IoT Alliance

Risto Karjalainen
Trusted IoT Alliance
2 min readOct 10, 2017

We at Streamr are pleased to announce that we have just joined the Trusted IoT Alliance, an open source software consortium which aims to create a secure, scalable, interoperable, and trusted IoT ecosystem. Founded by industry leaders such as Bosch, BNY Mellon, Cisco, Gemalto, and BNY Mellon Bank, the consortium seeks to standardize an open source blockchain protocol to support IoT technology in major industries worldwide.

As background, the founding members of the Alliance began informally cooperating as far back as December 2016, and the Trusted IoT Alliance was formally launched in September 2017. In addition to global leaders in traditional fields, founding members of the Alliance include leading blockchain companies Consensys, BitSE, Chronicled, Qtum, BigchainDB, Ledger,, Skuchain, and IOTA.

In practise, the consortium aims to leverage the blockchain and other security technologies to introduce trust into IoT and ultimately roll out practical use cases that deliver real business value and harness the disruptive power of blockchain technologies.

As to Streamr, we were introduced by common friends to members of the alliance earlier this year. The agenda and the roadmap of the alliance made good sense to us from the start. As it is, the formal goal of the consortium is to enable a decentralized trust model for interoperable digitized identities of physical goods, documents, assets, sensors, and machines and to scale that model to billions of connected devices.

For a two-minute intro to Streamr, watch this video:

In further discussions, it fairly quickly became evident that Streamr vision is nicely aligned with what the alliance seeks to do. The decision to apply for membership was in the end an easy one, and we’re certainly gratified and honored by the warm welcome.

For the future of Streamr, we see only positives in the membership. Cooperation with other alliance members will help us on our crucially important mission to create a system to transport IoT data in a decentralized, resilient, and scalable manner. Connecting with some of the best minds in the industry will help us, and we in turn hope to contribute to the common good.

There are many areas where value can be created, ranging from code base and technology to practical proofs of concept and joint projects with enterprise partners. One particular vertical with exciting prospects is the emergence of data markets.

In the words of Zaki Manian, the Executive Director of Trusted IoT Alliance:

“Data Marketplaces are one of many critical applications that are emerging at the intersection of IoT and Blockchain. It was clear from the beginning of our discussions with the Streamr team that their cutting-edge platform aligns perfectly with our vision not only for the future of the Alliance, but for the industry as a whole. We look forward to active collaboration between enterprise members and great teams such as Streamr.”

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Risto Karjalainen
Trusted IoT Alliance

Silta chairman and Streamr co-founder. Ph.D., behavioural finance, machine learning, professional quant, decentralized computing, DeFi.