How to turn your customer reviews into sales

Jennifer Chiu
Published in
4 min readAug 11, 2017

By now, you know all about social proof and why it’s important.

But even if you know that your customer’s voice is the most powerful marketing tool in your arsenal, how do you use it successfully?

One of the best ways is to turn reviews into sales-driving social content.

Social media posts are a fantastic way not only to brand your business, but also to drive conversions. Better still, social media is easily trackable, letting you quantify the impact your content is having on your business.

Not sure where to begin?

In this post, we’ll show you how to turn a review into an effective, sales-driving ad in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Choose the right review

You’re looking for a review that does your work for you.

That means, if you’re trying to build a brand that’s known for outstanding customer service, choose a review that mentions a fantastic experience with a rep.

If you want to be known for high quality products, choose a review that mentions how satisfied the customer is with your wares.

Here’s a review that highlights both products and service, and even throws in a little shout out for delivery time at the end:

And here’s one that calls out the affordable price:

So whatever you’re going for, make sure the review is in sync with your message.

Step 2: Share across social media

Once you’ve chosen your review, you’re going to want to send it out across your social channels.

If you’re still in the process of growing these organically, you might want to consider investing in ads to get your positive reviews out there. Even a small amount — say, $20 per week — can have a big impact on your engagement.

Here’s an example of a positive review that was then shared on Instagram:

But once you’ve done that, it’s not over. Those steps are just the most basic ways to get your reviews out there.

3. Turn customers into brand ambassadors

Take a look at this Instagram post below:


It’s an ad, either from McDonald’s or Uber, or both — except it comes from a private person’s Instagram account, and it’s sprinkled among aspirational photos of the good life. In other words, this photo is posted to a brand ambassador’s account.

While you don’t have to go to those lengths, it should provide you with some inspiration to ask customers to become your brand ambassadors.


Reach out to customers who have left you positive reviews, and offer them a discount if they talk about your products on their social media pages. You should also ask if they have a blog with a decent sized readership. If they do, ask them to write about their experience in exchange for some products.

4. Display your reviews on your product pages

Even if you’ve sent out your positive reviews on social media and gotten some brand ambassadors spreading the good word for you, there’s one more place your reviews can turn into sales: your product pages.

People love to see reviews for specific products they are researching, and if the reviews are right there at the bottom of the product page, it makes it easier for your potential customer to find the feedback they’re looking for — whether that’s fit for clothing or durability for craft goods.

Wrapping up

Reviews allow you to turn positive customer experiences into powerful advertising fuel.

Combining your customer-created content with your social advertising can have a huge impact on your business, so make sure you invest the time into it

Originally published at on August 11, 2017.

