Self-Sovereign-Identity: Dream or Reality? First online event for Trustless Ecoosystems 2030

Philippe Nadouce
Trustless Ecosystems 2030
1 min readApr 8, 2020
Source: Pixabay

Trustless Ecosystems 2030 went online yesterday, 07 April 2020, topic discussed was Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) on blockchain and how DLTs could help fight the Covid-19 pandemic. We had the chance to have with us a super line-up of speakers: Nick Mothershaw ~ CEO at Open Identity Exchange, Ankur Banerjee ~ Head of Engineering at IDWorks, Marta Gaeter-Geater Piekarska ~ Director of Ecosystem at The Linux Foundation, Keerthi Thomas ~ CEO at Bertify and Shiv Aggrawal CEO at MyEarth.

Self-sovereign-identity is not a dream, is a very promising reality

Covid-19 crisis will have given us the certainty that whatever happens, citizens of the world do not stop understanding and fighting the upheavals of this world.

A big thank you to speakers who generously shared their thoughts and knowledge and to attendants who actively participated. To review presentations access slides here, recorded session on YouTube .

Next virtual session of Trustless Ecosystems 2030 will take place on April 28, topic discussed will be the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CDBCs) and their impact on the business world, book your free seat here.



Philippe Nadouce
Trustless Ecosystems 2030

Director of Bloq Leap | Blockchain Trainer/Lecturer | Expert in Blockchain Education | Co organizer of Trustless Ecosystems 2030