TrustNote Bi-Weekly Update (Week 29~30)

Sunny Liu
Published in
6 min readAug 7, 2018

It is said, in summer, the song sings itself. In this summer July, we say TrustNote is singing with all the developers and supporters. Hello everyone, this is Sunny again! It is time for another update and summary of the most important recent events in the TrustNote realm.

Since the last update, there has been A LOT of new exciting developments.

Main Chain

To achieve our commitment and launch the official minable mainchain on Q4 this year, our developers are extremely busy with implementing the Proof-of-Work based 2-tier consensus in this month. The optimization for DAG data structure has been completed, and blocks building also has been done. Now developers are redesigning TrustP2P, a plug-in and event-driven based network infrastructure. We are hoping a minable TrustNote test-net can be released at the end of Q3.

TrustNote Technology Stack

Developers Network

After a lot of efforts been made, TSDN — TrustNote Developers Network (Pre-Alpha) is on live in July! We are on time as we promised! The new website not only brings a new user interface but also contains lots of useful information for developers. If you are a developer, from TSDN, you will find:

  • TrustNote SDK and APIs.
  • Samples to teach you how to build decentralized applications. For example, you will be able to easily code a tokenised application use Headless RPC within 2 minutes by following the guide we provided.
  • Documentation and videos to help you understand more about TrustNote and its technology.
  • Open tasks for your claim. In TrustNote, we are always happy to work with experienced developers to build a fast, scalable and truly decentralized blockchain and truly decentralized applications.
  • Support debugging on web UI for PythonSDK, which will make your debug life easier.
  • Provide a developerVM environment, headlessRPC and pythonSDK are embedded, you can start using it without any extra configuration.

iToken Platform

The iToken platform has been running for almost 2 months since it was launched in June. After a few upgrades, it is running quite stable, and up to now, total 106 personal tokens are created. From July 23, we started publishing all the newly created tokens on twitter to show the world every new innovations running on the TrustNote network.


  • A new version v1.2.2 was released. In this version, we added a small new feature into ‘T-code’ which allows user to send a small number of tokens with very low fee and splits them into several shares, meanwhile, a unique T-code will be generated for each share, people use the T-code to receive these split tokens. This feature can be used for games and different promotion activities.
  • Start working on integrating BTC/ETH into TrustNote wallet. In future, users will be able to convert between TTT and BTC/ETH within the wallet, rather than logging into the exchange market. Complete your trading within one wallet and keep your trading easy, fast, and decentralized are our goal.
  • For native wallet, we have finished the development for basic features on Android and iOS. It will be launched on TestNet for testing purpose in the coming weeks.
  • After wallet localization was done in Turkish and Indonesian versions, volunteers from Germany and Japan are busy with translating wallet into German and Japanese now. We believe in the near future, we will have more and more volunteers participate in the community activities and make great contributions for the project, at the same time they will also experience and witness how we achieve the tokenized economy on the TrustNote network as a community.

You can find the latest wallet from TrustNote official website or get it from our Github release folder directly.

TrustNote in Rust

As one of our big plans, we are rewriting TrustNote project with Rust language to make much more fun for all developers. In phase1, we have completed the coding and testing in Rust for all basic functions of Hub (excludes smart contract). We will start to complete the wallet, SDK and smart contractor with Rust in phase2.


  • After hard technical integration, TTT was officially listed on BiBox exchange on 27th July. To encourage people trading TTT on the platform, from 27th July 6:00 PM AEST (UTC+11:00) to 1st August 6:00 PM AEST (UTC+11:00), 1 million $TTT were given away as Trading Rewards to qualified traders on a “first come, first serve” base. Please check Bibox’s announcement for more detail.
  • TrustNote signed a “blockchain eco-strategic partnership agreement” with a well-known environmental protection technology company in Zhejiang, China. The two sides will conduct in-depth cooperation in the information processing of residential waste disposal. iToken platform will be used to issue and manage digital tokens for all collected garbage, residents can use a DApp from their mobile to check the status of the garbage which is recorded on the TrustNote network. As an incentive, residents will receive exclusive environmental tokens including benefits from the token providers. This is a very good use-case and we are happy to see iToken platform has been implemented in more and more real business models, we have started showing our true value on a real economy driven by our blockchain technology. This news has been reported in all major news channels and websites in China, like Sina, Sohu, Tecent, ifeng News, NetEase, etc.

Our Community Activities

On 31st of July, about 180+ developers gathered at Google West Campus for the blockchain developer meetup. As one of the sponsors, we introduced TrustNote technology and demoed our Developer Network. We were there and telling all over the world, TrustNote is looking for more experienced developers join us to make tokenized applications running on a fast, scalable and truly decentralized network.

Media Report

With the rapid growth, TrustNote brand is getting more and more media attention from all over the world. After reported by Bad Crypto Podcast 2 weeks ago and Betalist., TrustNote is now featured on the ‘FinTech Rising 2018: Toward a Golden Age in U.S. Markets”.

We are proud of what have done and we will keep working hard every day to make decentralized development easy, fast and scalable, and bring trust to an untrusting environment for everyone on every device at a low cost.

What is Coming Next?

The development for the “TTT High Interest Saver” plan is almost done, we are hoping this service can be launched in early of next month. Any TrustNote Wallet users who choose a term and take a deposit will enjoy a high interest of 8~20% APR depending the term he/she choose.

We will also start a reward plan for all the contributions made from the community and evaluated by the community. More details will be announced soon, stay tuned!

