TrustNote Bi-Weekly Update (Week 31~32)

Sunny Liu
Published in
5 min readAug 19, 2018

A quick summary: Following up our development road-map closely, our developers completed the core logic development for the minable mainchain in the last 2 weeks. Right now, the developers are busy with writing its interface to the wallet. In terms of business and marketing development, TrustNote accepted two investments from ZB Capital & Zebra Capital. To strengthen our marketing team, TrustNote appointed Mr. Masaru Suzuki, a senior Japanese entrepreneur and crypto enthusiast as the Chief Representative of TrustNote in Japan!

Now let’s take a closer look at the achievements we made on software development.


Developer team keeps making good progress on building the minable mainchain. In the first two weeks of August, we completed the core logic development on Composer, Validation, Catchup, Supernode and Networking modules. Now, we are working on the interface between mainchain and wallet, development and testing will be done by the end of next week. Happy to see we are in the good shape and having a minable testnet on Q3 is still on target. You are welcomed to check out the source code at:


TrustNote Developers Network

Since TSDN — TrustNote Developers Network was launched last month, we got positive feedbacks from our community, people are interested in the SDK/APIs and the demo provided by our developers. To encourage more developers to join the development, we are adding demos and small features piece by piece, for example:

  • By adding data to mainchain from HeadlessRPC, IoT developers will be able to storing information on the TrustNote network.
  • Native wallet SDK on iOS and Android is ready to use in ‘SDK $ Tools’ section, all developers can easily build their own wallet on iOS and Android now.
  • Want to develop a blockchain based voting system using python flask? The latest code example is available at TSDN now

If you have any idea, or need us to help, please raise them to the TSDN forum or TrustNote subreddit, we are happy to provide support and helping you on getting your smart idea into a tokenized application!


We are proud to share the news that TrustNote Wallet will support third-party plugins very soon, currently beta version is running on testnet for testing purpose. When the official version is launched, any plugins built with our JS-SDK and HTML 5 can be integrated into our Wallet, the token transfer can also be easily implemented by using headless. Which means, in near future, you can complete your trading within just one wallet, you can plan your travel and pay the flight and hotel from your wallet… Simply put, you will be able to do more things and have a lot of fun from the TrustNote wallet!

iToken Platform

I am very happy to announce that the iToken Platform supports Turkish now!

I would like to say a big thank you to Burcu Öztürk who helped us translating the iToken website into Turkish! Burcu and many other volunteers from our community use their spare time to help us on translating, we are very grateful for their kind help, with your help, more and more people will get to know what we can do with the exciting DAG technology!

TrustNote in Rust

After completed the Hub coding last month, wallet SDK is also done in Rust. Now the wallet can be running on all PCs and x86 development board, this will make more possibility a reality.


In early August, ZB Capital and Zebra Capital both announced their investment in TrustNote. The two investment firms have deep insights into the Blockchain industry, their investments will accelerate our product development and innovation, more tokenized applications running on the TrustNote network will happen in a larger scale, to better serve the need of the real economy.

Another exciting news is TTT is now tradable with ETH, BGX, and NASH on Blockchain Game Asset exchange GAEX.COM from 14th of August this year.

The listing of TTT on is just the first step towards a deeper collaboration between TrustNote and BIT.GAME. In the next step, custom-made TRC20 compatible tokens issued on the TrustNote network will receive priority listing on GAEX.COM, making blockchain game developers using TrustNote get easier access to the world’s first Blockchain Game Asset Exchange! We are confident there will be more and more games developed by using our TRC token protocol and bring so much fun to the world.

Team Announcement

On 6th of August, TrustNote announced Mr. Masaru Suzuki’s appointment as Chief Representative of TrustNote in Japan.

Mr. Suzuki will be leading the Japanese TrustNote community, communicating with Japanese media outlets, and promoting TrustNote technology to a variety of industries in Japan. With Suzuki’s rich working experiences in Business Development, Corporate Planning and Strategy and Product Marketing, we believe TrustNote will become a more successful project, we are looking forward to working with Suzuki to build a strong community in Japan.

Our Community Activities

In the hope that more people get to know TrustNote, more chance people will be able to use the technology and provide invaluable feedback, we decided to run a free $TTT giveaway lasting 3 weeks starting from 14th of August and ending at the 1st of September! Plus a “Tweet Us a Cool Idea of Your Smart Token” Gift Card of Your Choice Contest!

Simply retweet @TrustNote and reply us a cool idea of your smart token, you will get chance to win 100$TTT reward and $100 gift card of your choice. For the ones who haven’t participated yet, please visit TrustNote blog for the rules and detail information.

Let’s wait for next week and see who will be the lucky fans and what are the smart ideas they have.

Thanks for your reading and your long-term support, we will keep working hard to deliver what we promised on time and with high quality.

