TrustNote Software Developers Incentive Program

Bob Lu
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2018
TSDN Incentive Program

In order to boost community development interest around the TrustNote network and ecosystem, today we’re glad to launch the long-awaited TrustNote Software Developers Incentive Program. The program is designed to support the developer/contributor community in order to improve the TrustNote technology and grow its ecosystem. We are excited to see what new ideas developers, makers, and contributors come up with and make them into a reality.

This new program is scheduled to run from Oct 2018 through to Oct 2019 and we’re looking for a wide range of contributions for things like decentralized apps, gaming, social interactivity, IoT applications, SDKs and utilities. The program is not just limited to development or bug fixes, it can be any other work such as the reporting of bugs, marketing, documentation, localization, promotion, etc. Anything that potentially adds value to the TrustNote network as a whole.

The process of awarding will be as public and transparent as possible. Below are the rules and processes, however they may be amended in the future as we gain more experiences. If you have any ideas on how to make TrustNote a better technology and are ready to do it yourself or with your team, please feel free to apply!

The Procedure

  • The applicant(s) come up with an idea that can be realized by the applicant himself/herself and would potentially add value to the TrustNote network.
  • The applicant(s) may also pick up an existing task from TrustNote Developers Network that can be realized by the applicant himself/herself.
  • The applicant(s) draft a detailed proposal and offer it for public discussion. The proposal should include what and why of the work, as well as milestones and requested funding.
  • After public discussion, and based on community feedback, the proposal will be put to a vote by a panel of 9 TrustNote community members to be approved or rejected.
  • Once approved, the applicant(s) must publish updates according to the milestones and the rewards will be released accordingly.

The Proposal

Proposals must be published as an online document such as a Google doc or GitHub markdown. A link to the document and its summary must be published in It is recommended to discuss the proposal in TrustNote’s telegram group as well.

The content of proposal must include:

  • What problem it solves;
  • What the deliverables are;
  • Milestones. Milestones must be verifiable by any of the TrustNote community members. Small projects may include just one (final) milestone;
  • Total budget. Must be quoted in USD or $TTT;
  • Requested payment schedule. Must be linked to milestones and must specify how much it will be paid against each milestone;
  • Team member(s) and their roles in the project and backgrounds;
  • Contact details. Must include name, email, and at least one social media account.

Depending on the nature of the proposal, before the proposal is submitted for the first time, research must be done to show that what being proposed is doable. Any community member can comment on the proposal, suggesting improvements and/or amendments. It’s up to the applicant(s) to decide when their proposal has matured enough to be submitted for voting, but at least a week of public discussion is recommended. Before the proposal is approved, the applicant(s) can withdraw their proposal at any time for any reason.

Final Proposal and Vote

After community discussion, the applicant(s) optionally amend the proposal and submit it for vote. A panel of 9 TrustNote community members will take the merits of the proposal as well as community feedback into consideration when voting. The proposal will be approved if 5 or more panel members vote yes.


A rejected proposal can be submitted again after making amendments and going through a new public discussion.

Milestones and Payment

After a proposal is approved, the applicant(s) will start working on it. When milestones are achieved, the applicant(s) must announce the achievement of the milestone in reddit and request the community to evaluate. Both community members and the panel members will evaluate the results of the work and the panel will release the payment within 10 business days if the panel concludes the milestone is achieved.

The rewards will be paid in $TTT, and will be paid from our Community Fund which is reserved to support the ongoing development of the TrustNote network.

Acceptance Guidelines

  • Both not-for-profit and for-profit projects are accepted as long as the work can potentially improve the TrustNote network and its ecosystem;
  • Any request of payment before the milestone is completed will not be accepted;
  • Do not duplicate the work of other published proposals;
  • In the case of development, the work must be open source and under any free license during the entire life time of the project;
  • Creative works, documentation, etc. should be released under any free license such as Creative Commons;
  • Most of the projects should last no more than 3 months.

