Tulika Verma
Published in
5 min readDec 17, 2023


For many years now, I have taken time at the end of the year to pause intentionally, reflect on the year that was and set intentions for the upcoming year and the evolving version of myself. It is a cherished tradition, a promise with myself that I have managed to not just keep but pour love, honesty, hope and truth into. Sometimes, it has been a difficult process, a tough acknowledgement of my failed attempts, misgivings and losses. Other times, it has been a sacred process of reconnecting with what matters most to the being that is me, my deepest longings, sense of purpose and hope. Most often, it is a mix of all of those experiences and more. Over the years, this ritual has helped me understand the importance of intentions. Somewhere along the way, I realized that I may or may not meet the milestones I set for myself, but I always manage to live out my intentions. It is a beautiful realization — a reminder of the natural order in chaos, of the magic of surrender. I do not resonate anymore with the idea of labouring on the ‘how’ as much, except in the short term, and am learning truly to live with the ‘whats’ and the ‘what ifs’.

2023 was a year of transitions and an intentional pause. In the first third of the year, I wrapped up my time in a beloved role. Deep within me, there was a knowing that it was time to end that chapter and allow room for the unknown. It meant letting go — not just of a role but of a very strong ego identity. It meant getting used to having to reintroduce myself to different people and scenarios while staying true to where I come most alive and bring most value. It has meant intentionally making room for ‘play’ in the work I have been choosing and working with a range of people and organizations that inspire me and align with my values. It has meant living out my intention of generosity and learning to offer my time and my gifts where possible in meaningful ways. It has also meant periods of self doubt, of recognizing the various ways that I come in my own way, of some of my desires that matter so much to me that I am afraid to live them out. But above all, it has been a year of learning to be okay with discomfort, of making room for the good but also the bad side of uncertainty. Of course, 2023 was also the year of committing to and moving in with a kind, supportive partner which has made so much of this exploration so much easier, more light-hearted and fun.

As I start the process of setting intentions for 2024, I feel called to share some prompts that might help you go on a similar meaningful journey. If you do decide to engage with these prompts, I must remind you to do so from a place of utmost tenderness for self coupled with deep honesty, and if you struggle to do either with any of the questions, remember to just get curious about the discomfort without being judgemental. I have found that there are many lessons in these moments of discomfort.

  • In what ways did I grow last year?
  • How do I feel I am doing in the four dimensions of life — emotional, intellectual, spiritual, physical(body, finances, possessions)? What do I feel I have been able to pay attention to and where can I be more intentional?
  • Emotional:
    - How has my emotional world been this year?
    - Are there emotions I am pushing away and too afraid to feel? What will help me be kind enough to myself to let myself feel those emotions?
    - Who was part of my emotional journey this year? What is my relationship with the word ‘community’? Who comes to mind for me when I think of community?
    - What is my relationship with creativity? In what ways have I been able to be creative and playful?
  • Intellectual:
    - How have I evolved in how I learn and how I express myself?
    - What new learnings and learning moments have inspired awe and curiosity?
    - When have I surprised myself with my own capabilities?
    - What do I feel most curious to learn or experience intellectually ?
  • Spiritual:
    - In what ways have I been able to explore or live out my unique purpose?
    - How have I evolved spiritually this year? When have I experienced peace and flow? What has enabled that?
    - In what ways have I been able to be my most authentic self? What people or situations have enabled that? What am I learning from that about what I value and who I am?
    - What is my relationship with nature? In what ways have I been able to connect to my roots and my ancestral wisdom? What will allow me to deepen this relationship?
  • Physical:
    - What is my relationship with my own physical form? Where have I struggled to be accepting and kind? What simple actions have I been able to take towards more acceptance and comfort in my physical form?
    - What is my relationship with habits and consistency? What habits or rituals have sparked a sense of well-being? What will help me maintain consistency or be more consistent?
    - What is my relationship with wealth? What feelings does the idea of wealth evoke in me? What forms of wealth have I been able to cultivate this year and which do I aspire to cultivate? (It could be money but also the wealth of time, social capital, gift economy)
    - What physical possessions am I attached to? What must I let go of? What is my relationship to space and aesthetics? What are my desires associated with those?
  • If I could write a letter to myself at the end of the upcoming year celebrating the year I have had, what would I feel content celebrating across the 4 dimensions: emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical?
  • What words or phrases best describe my intentions for the upcoming year?

I hope that these prompts help you arrive at a space of intentionality, visioning, creativity and joy as you transition between the years. May be you will engage with the prompts as they are or may be you will customize them and create your own. In any case, I would love to hear about your experience.

