30 for 30

Greg Burgess
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2020

Well, i made it.
3 decades of life. much more to come.

i’ve failed a lot in my 30 years.
fallen many many times.
but i keep getting back up.
and that’s the beauty of getting older.
each day is a new opportunity to grow, to learn and to live better than the day before.

i thought 30 was going to be scary, but it’s not.
it came just on time.
i don’t know it all, but i do know some.
and i thought today i’d do my best to share 30 things i’ve learned on the journey to my 30th birthday.

they might not all be for you, but i hope it helps you on whatever journey you’re on.

i’m 3

here we go…in no particular order:

1 — if you can dream it, you can do it
i’ve never lost the child in me. always chasing dreams. the call of God knows no bounds. trust the dreams He’s placed within you.

2 — it’s okay to not be okay, it’s just not okay to stay that way
admitting you don’t have it all together is the first step in getting it all together.

3 — if you tried your best, you have nothing to be ashamed of
your race is different. don’t compare. you’ll waste your time.

4 — when love gets hard, love harder
loving is a graceful process. you must first realize you are worthy of more.

5 — don’t be afraid to take a break
stop working so hard. take a walk. feel the sun. breathe the fresh air. you’re doing better than you think.

6 — sacrificing for others has a limit…and you need to draw the line somewhere
you want the best for others and that’s great…but you are just as important.

7 — forgiveness is more than saying sorry
forgiveness requires action. “i’m sorry” won’t always cut it and saying “it’s fine” doesn’t mean the pain goes away. activate your forgiveness with an act of kindness and love.

8 — finish the job
in all you do. do it excellently. do it fully. not for human praise. but for heavenly worship.

9 — crying helps
in the shower, the car, before bed, to a friend or therapist. release it and let it go. then compose and allow the Spirit to comfort.

10 — if you don’t humble yourself, God will
i’ve had it all and i’ve lost it. now everything is a gift from Him.

11 — always wear your seatbelt
seriously, safety first guys.

12 — there’s something in the water
getting around a community of faith is contagious. drink up. dive in. go deep. don’t hold back.

13 — kissing is fun…kissing the right person is magical
the right person makes all the difference. being the right person is the difference.

14 — always pay for the meal
be the man…even on a budget.

15 — the world of the generous gets larger
its all God’s…you’re just stewarding it. i’ve never seen the righteous forsaken. and there’s always more.

16 — McDonalds is not good
like…not for food. or service. and especially not for coffee.

17 — read the room, bro
not everyone was born with social awareness. it’s not about you.

18 — i am the funniest person in the room
confidence is everything. and there’s a way to be funny without being a jerk.

19 — go to the movies, often
time to reset. get inspired. escape. but come back to reality refreshed.

20 — just ask her out, bro
you have nothing to lose. she’ll either like you for you, or you don’t need her.

21 — YOLO is not a saying, it’s a lifestyle
take risks. have fun. get uncomfortable.

22 — perfection is not the goal, progress is
you haven’t arrived. there’s always something you could be better at.

23 — prayer either changes the situation or your perspective…sometimes both
God will invade your space if you let Him.

24 — don’t show everyone your cards, but people only see the cards you turn over
i learned this lesson the hard way. somethings are private and others need to be shared. learn how to trust the right people and show them who you really are.

25 — don’t be a tryhard
srsly, stop. it’s not about you. your insecurities are showing.

26 — pink is not a girly color

27 — music can make or break a moment
i will DJ your house party.

28 — if you’ve been set free, stop living bound
if you quit it, then quit it. if you need help, then get help. get your oil changed, see the therapist. your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health matters. prioritize it.

29 — the secret of love is never giving up, the secret of life is never giving up on love
my favorite lyrics i’ve ever written…so far. you’ll hear it soon.

30 — Jesus is the greatest gift you could ever share
don’t hold back. you’re a Jesus freak and everyone should know. tell people what He has done for you…it’s as simple as that.

i’m sure there’s more that belongs on this list, but there you have it.
i hope for those of you still on your way to 30, you realize you have so much time.
take that time. be wise.
and have fun.

love you all. blown away with all the birthday wishes.
it was the best birthday ever.
i could really feel all your love.

the best is yet to come




Greg Burgess

Greg is a singer/songwriter, author and content producer who lives in Miami, FL.