
Greg Burgess
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2019

in my life i’ve been blessed with the most amazing friends.

i’ve had the same best friend since i was 5 years old.
we were on the same t-ball team.
(yeah that’s right, ya boy go skills)

his family started attending my church and we were inseparable after that.

then my second best friend and her family started to attend church.

from there you have your middle school and high school friends.
people you think you’ll always be close with;
but as time passes and the smoke clears, often the masses fade with it.

the third was added while in high school and the group was rounded out 2 guys 2 girls.

the quad.

we pretty much told each other everything.
when there was nothing to do, there was always something to do when we were all together.

(side note: if your small town is boring, get some better friends).

it never mattered where we were or what we did, it was always the best time.

then college came, and we all went our separate ways.
this is the point in life where you find out who actually wants to be in your life or who was simply there due to proximity.

we scattered across continent and oceans and despite the distance, we all grew closer.

you never know who you’re going to meet in college.
the smartiepants.
the momma’s boy.
the introvert with no social skills.

if you’re lucky, you’ll find those one or two more who will stick with you forever.
this is when i met my fourth best friend.

we became roommates on a whim and after almost a year of me breaking down his introverted walls, the moment happens and you just know.

have you ever had that moment when you just KNEW this person was going to mean a lot to you?

sometimes even just after a first encounter;
an unexpected love strikes your heart and you know you’ll be friends forever.

what makes a great friend?
and how do these random people come to mean more than family?

i used to have only 4 best friends, then 5, then 6…
and now…too many to count.

tonight i was surrounded by a dozen men who i could turn to at any moment if i needed help.
any moment i need a real convo,
someone to laugh with,
someone to share tears…
i know they’d be there.

maybe that’s a friend.

maybe it’s someone who can confide in you,
maybe it’s the person you text when you think of something funny…
maybe it’s someone that reminds you not to take yourself too seriously.

wherever your friends come from,
however you meet,
know that they’ll mean as much to you as you let them know.

if you’re thankful for them, then tell them.
if you love them, let them know.
if you want to speak to them more, then you take the initiative.

friendships are two sided.
they’ll only be as deep as you treat them.
they’ll only be as meaningful as you make them.

so make them.
make friends often.

you’ll win some over
and you’ll lose some.

but the ones that stick are stuck for life.

and it’s so so so worth it.


Photo by Me


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Greg Burgess

Greg is a singer/songwriter, author and content producer who lives in Miami, FL.