My Week Off Instagram

Greg Burgess
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2019

this week i did a short break from social media with my church
a time to relax, unplug and unwind from all the “connectedness” we suffer from.

if you’ve never done this, i encourage you to. you won’t regret it. get some friends to do it with you. live in the moment.

while i was offline, i had some stark revelations i wanted to share with you.

for me, social media has never been like a drug or addiction. i’m not obsessed with likes or follows (anymore). i try hard to be real and transparent, but also bring light and positivity into this world.

this week off social showed me i’m a little more addicted than i thought.
whenever i got bored for a split second, i’d pull out my phone looking for a distraction.

this is commonly acceptable in an elevator or on the toilet. but ya boy was looking to his phone at stoplights guys…

other than that, some of the things i missed most were the values i think everyone should bring their social media.

here they are:

stay connected, not distracted

i use social media, preferably instagram, to stay connected to my friends.
i love to see what everyone is doing on the weekends, or where the next cool spot is to eat. i love commenting on posts and getting DMs. i think it’s expanded the way we interact with our “acquaintances” and brings a fun dynamic to our “real friendships”.

but, the last thing you need social for is to distract you from your own life. yes, it’s nice to check in on friends, but you should never covet the lives they are living over your own.

you have something to share, something to offer this world that no one else can.
you are the only you this world has.
stay connected, but join the conversation.

tell your story.
we need it.


i use social media to celebrate my friends.
i’m blessed to have a lot of talented people around me.
musicians, dancers, preachers, FUNNY PEOPLE.

i love giving shout outs.
if your friend puts out a song, friggin brag about it man.
(funny, during this week offline, two of my friends dropped albums and they’re GREAT. listen here: Sam Pinkerton. Christian Carcamo.)

if your friend is on stage, post it.
if there’s a birthday, graduation, life achievement…heck, if you’re just a dinner with your bestie, take a moment to brag about them.

there’s enough negativity on this planet…you have the opportunity every day to be a light in the darkness.

be open about the struggle

this is something i have a hard time with.
if we aren’t intentional, social media becomes a literal highlight reel where we never share what’s actually going on.

now, i’m not saying post all your problems.
your problems are not for everyone.
let me repeat that…
YOUR problems are NOT for EVERYone.
they are YOUR problems.
BUT, i’m a firm believer that you weren’t meant to do life alone.

you need people.
you need best friends.
people you tell everything to.
people who pick you up when you can lift your head.

and as you go through the struggle with people in a healthy way, use your platform to talk about and encourage others.
chances are, you’re not the only one with that particular problem.
we are all in this together.

whatever i’m going through, the testimony of getting through it and practical ways i did that become the cure for someone else’s pain.

our learned wisdom can become someone else’s practical knowledge.

be open and share what God has done in your life.

post really cool pictures

yes, i missed posting cool pictures this week. why?
because i’m a content producer and that’s what i like to do.
we all have this cool platform we use for inspiration and to gather ideas.
so post away!
go for it.

but like, please, learn how to take and edit cool pictures.
just because you have an IG doesn’t make you a skilled photographer.
look up tips and tricks.
download VSCO.
trial and error.
you can do this.

i don’t want to see the same photo of your dog over and over again.
i don’t want to see a screen shot.
and pleeeeeease…don’t ever ever EVER post your food on your feed.
food is for story posts only…

and that’s it.

take a week of social.
delete the app, take some time with family and friends.
set a new schedule.

it’s worth it.
you are worth it.




Greg Burgess

Greg is a singer/songwriter, author and content producer who lives in Miami, FL.