Nowhere to park

Greg Burgess
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2020

short story day! enjoy!


“I don’t have to tell you,” I said.
“Yes! Yes you do,” I heard back.
“No…I don’t. It’s MY business and I’ll deal with it myself,” I replied while turning around the next corner of the parking garage.
Level 3. Still no parking spots.

“No bull…I’m your best friend, you HAVE to tell me,” she explained her case as the tires squealed.
“I don’t HAVE to do anything but find a damn parking spot in this endless garage.”

Silence filled her car as the muffled screeching of her brand new tires reverberated off of the walls.
Level 4. No spots.

“Okay…Look…You don’t HAVE to tell me. I just figured you’d want to.”
A beat.
“Well…I do want to,” I said as a matter of fact.
“Okay,” she said as she waited for me to continue.

Silence again. More tires screeching. Next floor. No spots.

I felt her staring at me while I sit too afraid to look back in her direction or she’ll break me…damn.
There it is… those eyes.
I could never resist those eyes.
She knows exactly how to get under my skin.

“Why can’t I find a spot!?” I said as I slapped the steering wheel, looking for an escape from her interrogation.
“Hey…don’t take out your frustrations on my car.”
“Sorry…I am just so bottled up,” as if my excuses would work.
“Looks like you need to…get something off your chest?” she said while reaching over the armrest to tug on my sweater.

“Don’t!” I warned.
Level 7.
“Oh come on…tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, TELL me, tell MEEEE!!”

In one fluid moment that seemed like an eternity I slammed on the breaks, turned to face her for the first time, grabbed her by her shoulders and kissed her on the lips to shut her up.

I pulled away.
A beat.

“Oh look, there’s a spot,” she said.



Greg Burgess

Greg is a singer/songwriter, author and content producer who lives in Miami, FL.