
Greg Burgess
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2021

if it would have been any other day like today
i would have taken a different road home
to a different house
opened a different door to an empty room
turned on the a/c and popped in some microwavable dinner while i re-watched Scrubs for the 6th time

i would have stayed up too late
not because i had a lot to do
but no one to do it with

the sun would rise and fall again
i’d crawl out of my hobbit hole
and my fate would have remained the same

if it were any other day

if i was still stuck in the past
holding on to a dead dream
never allowing myself to dream again

if it were any other day

if i hadn’t picked myself up
lifted my head out of the dirt
looked up to the stars i used to stare at for hours

if it were any other day

instead of reaching for the stars
i’d make it to the horizon
and that would be beautiful enough

but it wasn’t any other day

it wasn’t any other day
where i’m stuck in the past
looking forward and not looking back

i took a new road to a new home
opened a new door
where the a/c is already on and i never re-watch shows alone

where we stay up too late
because we have nothing to do
but only want to do it together

the sun sets and rises again
and we walk boldly into a new day
and our fates are in the hands of forever

if it were any other day

i’d want it to be today




Greg Burgess

Greg is a singer/songwriter, author and content producer who lives in Miami, FL.