A town of decadence

City of players and haters

Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 


Okay so I have had some what of a hiatus from my blog but I am back now ☺. So today I wan’t to talk about life. People’s lifestyles in the 21st century. This blog is not me moaning or being judgemental about this topic or subject, this blog as is all of my blogs are, an observation in pure honesty.

Over the past few years I have witnessed and experienced many things, I have taken in so much and adapted to our modern culture and society. This doesn’t mean I act like others do for the sake of it, I mean nothing surprises me any more I have pretty much seen and heard it all. Most of this is based on social culture, relationships and sex and morals.

Now before I start I am not a hypocrite so I will confess! I may be the type of person that has or will do some of the the things/acts I bring up on here. Not saying all of them but I am a free spirit.

So when you get home from work or college etc, how many times have you stopped to think what is going on behind closed doors in your town or city or not even behind closed doors for that matter, and like I said before nothing surprises me so I can guess what events, situations may be going on in my town.

Call it the city of angels or what ever uplifting, community slogan you wan’t to put on it! I am not just on about Los Angeles. This day in age the term still stands ‘City of Angeles’ as people have adapted to put an innocent, positive word on something that we actually know is or can be deviant, dis loyal or did tasteful. So what do we actually know about our own lives or the lives of people around us? It seems a lot of people like to cling to some sort of normality and routine even though the truth of the matter is there aren’t happy, but rather than face the truth and make a change people pretend everything is perfect when most people around them know that they aren’t happy and need to do something about it! Weather it’s a bad relationship with a partner or friend, or a bad job etc at some point they need to stand up and just say ‘Fuck This’ and start to make a change for them selves, otherwise they will be living in denial for the rest of there lives, and regret it when they are older and realise they have wasted most of there freedom/happiness just because they could not be bothered facing the truth.

This day in age we live in a time of decadence and as I said before I am not moaning or judging people this is an observation and the truth of what most of our modern society and culture is like heavily based around relationships, sex and money. People live there lives and make there desicions based on Money, lust and greed, we all wan’t things more than ever and will tackle any obstacle that is in our way! Weather it is wanting to sleep with someone who is married or with someone else, or getting a colleague fired because you wan’t there job, those are just two examples of many reasons and examples of what may be on a lot of people’s mind. Most of us are aware and are not surprised when we hear of people cheating, sleeping with there friends partner, lying about some one to get everyone else to hate them just because you don’t like them, stabbing there friends in the back (not literally ..most of the time). Just another day in your perfect city.

Vanity! What more can I say apart from we all wan’t to look our best all the time, how many people look at there hair in the mirror before going to bed I know I have. But why do we wan’t to look our best all the time? Is it just because we wan’t to look presentable and feel good about ourself’s? Or is it because you wan’t other people to notice you and find you hot etc? My money is on the last one. But feeling good about yourself is important also. Now I can’t stress this enough, I am not complaining or judging people that do these things that I am pointing out, as my myself have or have done or do some of these things, and I always wan’t to look as good as I can, and yes I do like it when people notice me. Who doesn’t?

We are controlled by money and lust. Is there such thing as a perfect home a genuine honest couple/family? Well let’s just say I am very surprised when I meet a couple/family like that. Once in a blue moon. A lot of people will be judgemental or think to themselves ‘What is the world coming to’ ‘How can people act this way and be fine with it’. Well I will point out that not all people, but a large handful of people that moan and complain about how certain people act and live, most of the time they need to make changes in there own life’s and our actually jealous and envious of the more care free, free spirit lifestyle weather it is right or wrong who is to say.

Money can’t buy happiness they say, but to be honest I don’t totally agree with that statement, money can buy a lot of things and in the 21st century and what you choose to purchase with that money is usually something you like or enjoy for example a new dress or top, a new phone, a holiday, a dvd box set you like, concert tickets or just spending money on a night out. People are not bored when they have money most of the time as they can go out in the world when there free of work or kids and live.

Well there you have it I won’t say much more apart from the world is just one big playground, play as you wish, but following the rules is not always that fun.

Thank you for reading! Please read my other blogs in this collection, some are more blunt and honest more so than this one.

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Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.