Do you believe?

A scary yet magical side to the world

Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 


Vampires! Werewolves! Ghosts! Succubus! Demons! Angels! Incubus! Phantoms! Lochness monster! The person you see every day but would swear is different!

These are just few of many fantastic creatures of folklore and legend that are just as important today as they were centuries ago! I have always been fascinated with the unknown since I was a kid and to this day I am still fascinated as ever. I think there is something about the unknown in general that captivates us, fairytale creatures, monsters of folklore, creatures of legend and well things that can’t be explained or scientifically proven.

Now a lot of these unknown creatures, beings, legends have been heavily used in modern media and pop culture, film and television. Now we all have seen Dracula, creature from the black lagoon, poltergeist etc, although the films and shows that have unknown legends as characters or plots are cool and fun to watch, it is the actual folklore and history of were these mythological creatures and stories came from that fascinates me, and the thought of that the legend is still as much alive today as it was centuries ago!

Now the funny thing is, I am really enthusiastic and fascinated with this subject but the actual beings, monsters of the folklore and legend are actually rather frightening when you read up on it or watch documentaries on the matter, and there was a time were these creatures of legends were taken very more seriously compared to as they are today. To the point were villagers would dig up the grave of an expected vampire cut of the head, steak through the heart, then burn the heart and get the suspected vampires family to ingest the ashes, that ritual was last taken place only just a few years ago in the heart of the 21st century! Now as serious as it was taken in the past it is still taken seriously by some people today.

But for me personally I just love the fact that there could be well maybe scary, but another side to the world that hides in the shadows, mysterious and fascinating I love it. A lot of people are sceptical and don’t believe or even take on some of these myths or stories, but just thinking that there could be a possibility personally should do it for some people I don’t mean believe all of a sudden but just get there interest in it I can’t see how it wouldn’t.

Know personally I am a very open minded person and I do believe in a few of these myths and legends, some people maybe a bit curious or like to read or watch documentaries about these folklores, takes and creatures of the unknown, but not believe in them, which is fair enough for some people. But like other things I get really into it and although I am still fascinated as I was in the past at times I got a little obsessed with these legends watched and read everything I could get my hand on as much as I could. But today as I have already said I am still as into it now as I was maybe 9 years ago.

Remember when you was a kid and you were read stories in which there was a monster, or on halloween when you dressed up as something scary was there a moment were you thought ‘Hmmm I wonder were these stories came from’ or just thought that ‘These things might actually be real’. I know as kids it probably happened to a lot of us as kids have a big imagination as it is, but for some of us that curiosity and fascination stuck with us through the years so we could discover more and deeper into these myths through out years and still be fascinated as ever to this day.

So what fascinates you? Do you believe in any unkown myth, creature or being? If not just think about the possibility and use your imagination it could open your mind to a unknown magical world forever.

Jamie Jones.

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Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.