Hostile in the isle

Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 
3 min readSep 14, 2014


It’s time to go shopping!

It’s that time again! You prepare yourself for what unpleasantries are to come. The rage, the anger, the hostility. It’s time to go into that place. A place that can change any one’s state of mind, a place that can turn the most pleasant, civil and well mannered individuals into angry, foul mouthed, impatient, rageful people.

It’s time to go


Weather you are going for a big food shop in a supermarket, or just nipping to get a few bits, or even clothes or high street shopping, you are entering into a atmosphere were it’s every Woman, Man, Family, Couple, friend, group for themselves. When you go shopping you are going for things that you need and or want, for some people this is a chore and they know what they wan’t and just wan’t to get it over and done with, but for others it’s more of a outing and they take there time and browse. Now with the two types of shoppers that there are combined with the different personalities that those people have …. well shopping brings out a side of someone that might not usually be there, or brings out the most of some one who is already rude and unpleasant.

I think that the key things that make people like this especially when shopping is the simple fact that ‘you wan’t something, but so does everyone else, and if people get in your way, then that’s were things start getting ugly’ I think that is the main cause of why we are so hostile when we go shopping because it’s primal, at the end of the day it’s getting what you need and what you wan’t, might not club them over the head when they get in your way or give you a dirty look, but people dish out the modern day equivalent of that.

So I am going to just list a few examples for the types situations that start to infuriate people when shopping:

  1. When someone is walking dead slow in front of you, and sometimes you can’t get around them (I think that is the biggest one or one of).
  2. When people are talking in the isle blocking and preventing people from getting past (even when you say excuse me they move to let you past but then keep managing to block other people).
  3. When someone is stood right in front of the shelf you need to get too and for some reason couldn’t hear you the first 2 times you said ‘excuse me’ ‘Excuse me can I just grab ….’.
  4. When people say excuse me can I get past when there is loads of room too get past.
  5. When people are chatting at the check outs preventing you from being served. (Weather it’s someone who’s just been served and the member of staff chatting, or 2 other shoppers just stood chatting in front of the tills)
  6. People that bump into you and they know they have but don’t say sorry. (To be honest you was probably walking slow in front of them, so they had to barge past)
  7. When people take ages to find there purse/wallet and count there money for ages then decide to pay on card. (I hate to be that person so I just pay with a note or pay on card in the first place)
  8. When people just leave there trolleys or baskets on the floor in the isle while they go grab something.

Well there is some of things that I think tick people of the most when it comes to shopping rage. There are many more and some will annoy more people than others.

Just to let you know, I know I wrote this blog but I am probably guilty of some of these things myself, well not guilty it’s not a crime but we all experience it most days.

Thanks for reading.



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Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.