If only they knew

Is everyone really always themselves

Hello boys and girls! I am back with a new blog entry sorry it’s been longer than a week sorry about that.

Okay so today I would like to talk about people that are always themselves no matter what, or so they say any way. Now me personally claim to be one of those people as in, I am always the same quirky eccentric self, dirty minded, sarcastic but also I know my manners and can be polite. But I have thought about this for a while now and I think it is just when certain people are around others that share the same humour, mind set and thought’s, weather they are friends, or even just met, or even a friend of a friend and if they have a similar personality trait then it’s going to be a conversation with no holding back really. But do people actually consciously change there words, body language and posture when around certain people or does your mind just adapt depending on the type of person you are talking to?

I think a lot of people unknowingly adapt to who they are speaking too but is not necessarily a bad thing, considering most of the time it isn’t one would make a concious decision about before speaking to someone, well for some it might but for example just people we may talk to on a day to day basis. For example a work colleague, a friend, neighbours, the person who serves you in the shop, people you pass by every day and always have a little chat too. I don’t know a lot of people or anyone that would think to themselves ‘oh she’s a bit older and looks a bit miserable and that she doesn’t want to be working here I won’t say much too her, and if I do I will try and not be my full on self’. Who does that know one I know. But if you do. Don’t! You can still be yourself with out changing your usual self and still be able to talk to people with different personality’s and characteristics, it is what makes people ‘different’ if everyone was the same and acted the same way to everyone well I wouldn’t wan’t to be in a place like that ever! I know it’s a cliche but having your own persoanlity and being known for it is what makes people special, and as I have said different, and to be honest people remember those type of people more as they stand out.

Now I am going to give a little example here, I can speak to many different people on a day to day basis weather it is people I know in the village, a friend, the person in the shop, someone who I know in the shop etc, but I won’t open the conversation the same way with them all, I may not quote certain things to some of these people, I may not swear whilst talking to some of these people, but I am still being myself in the sense that if they was to describe me they would all probably say similar things, which actually happens you know ‘bubbly, out there, quirky, pulls many facial expressions, quirky and eccentric, cheeky grin’ not one person has said all that that has come from a number of people but sum that up and it kind of shows what kind of personality I have. The will probably happen to you I mean you may have a completely different type of personality but out of all the people you speak to everyday, who you may say different things, and use different words depending on who it is you speak too, I bet they would still describe you in a at least some what accurate way.

Ok so that I have discussed that it is normal to naturally adapt depending on who you are talking to without changing yourself in that moment and the importance of that. So now the part about this that makes me laugh the most is what the title for this blog is ‘If only they knew’ this is referring back to what I briefly mentioned at the beginning when certain people are together that share the same humour or traits there conversation no matter what subject, matter, topic they are talking about it will be a no holds barred conversation as they will feed of each others personality’s. This is usually amongst certain friends, certain people you know in the bar you visit, friend of a friend, maybe a certain family member, or even someone you don’t even know and randomly get chatting too as you can tell they have similar personality, mindset as you could be any one really.

But imagine if certain people could hear the things you say to each other, the things you laugh about, the comments that come out of your mouth. If certain people heard what you say whilst hanging out with these like minded people well some would be shocked, some would think your taking a joke too far, some may think your being stupid, some may be disgusted by it, but my point is if these people actually new you as well as they claim then it shouldn’t really surprise them, I can imagine they might not agree or laugh at the same things but they understand it is you and that is what you are like. Luckily most people that I know am aware of what I am like, but I can imagine some people have known someone for years and they hear the way you are when talking to someone who is more similar to you and all of a sudden they feel like they don’t know you, when nothing has actually changed.

But I would love to see the look on some peoples faces if they new what comments came out of certain peoples mouths I really would, because a lot of people joke about it ‘god imagine if these conversations got recorded and the wrong people got hold of them’ usually the way people speak amongst certain friends and when other half’s boyfriend and girlfriends aren’t around, or when in the presence of certain people or person and your personality’s just click and feed of each other.

Right I hope this was a good read and entertained you for at least a few minutes. If so please read my other stories some are more insightful, some are more comical with tips and advice, and a few deep ones as well.

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Thank you.





Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.