Jammy on Giant spiders, Ebola and the Zombie Apocalypse. (One of two)

Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 
3 min readOct 27, 2014


Well I am back after a few weeks off, Back with a brand new blog story!

So from the beginning of mankind there has been many theories, prophecies and conspiracy theories of an apocalypse that will one day be upon us. Well many people believe that that time is now!

There a certain people and groups that believe and have believed for a long time that one day a real zombie apocalypse will be upon the world, the past few years there have been many incidents and events that have made the zombie apocalypse community take further action in preparing for what they believe to be the start of a zombie outbreak. But the past few months there have been other incidents and signs that is making not just the zombie apocalypse community but other people also believe that something isn’t right and such an outbreak could be possible.

As you can tell from the title of this blog there has been certain incidents and outbreaks in the world that have left many people thinking that something like a mankind threatening outbreak like a zombie apocalypse, or even just the global spread of the Ebola virus is in the making or such a outbreak that could possibly doom mankind is more and more possible.

So from incidents of people eating other peoples skin, flesh and organs, to the Ebola outbreak and apparent victims coming back to life after death in a zombie like state, to the rapid increase of huge spiders, these are key factors and events that have lead people to believe that the beginning of the end could be upon us.

So there it is, could this be a sign? Could the beginning of the end be upon us? Could a zombie like apocalypse actually happen? Well I am an open minded person I don’t wan’t it to happen of course but anything can happen in my opinion. I think that if such an outbreak was to commence then it would be due to a drug or drug mixture gone wrong that many are taking, or something related to the Ebola outbreak and spread that couldn’t be successfully contained. There are loads of people that think it is all a load of rubbish and think that anyone who even entertaines the idea of such an outbreak to be possible are fools, well to be honest I would love to see the reaction of those people if an outbreak actually happened. But I think the outbreak if there was one that is, would either be a fast rapid, or a gradual spread/downfall.

I am very arachnophobic so I can’t deal with the spiders the way they are any way, so that is why I haven’t commented on the rapid growth of spiders much, I could deal with zombies but not spiders never mind huge ones.

Okay so now for the fun part :P, if you found out that the world was going to end and you only had limited time left. What would you do? How would you spend it? Also get in touch follow and like me on my social media sites and let me know how you would spend your last day! ☺

I will do a separate blog telling you how I would react and what I would do with my last day or days.

Thank you for reading

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Jammy x

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Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.