Jammy on older women

Some truth’s about older women (Cougars, Milf’s)

Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 
2 min readDec 8, 2013


Ok so the past few years the Milf phenomenon or older women has really got popular! More guys lusting after milfs and women older than them self’s. But also I have noticed that older women well at least a handful of them that aren’t looking for anything serious do wan’t to hook up with younger guys for the fun part.

Older women are more experienced, tend to be a lot more confident, usually easier to talk to, and know how to play the game and are not afraid to tell you the truth. No time wasting.

Hot older women seem to stand out of the crowd!

But what can be even a bigger turn on! Is if the older women is attracted to you first or is clearly giving you vibes. Maybe rare but it does happen sometimes for those lucky ones :P.

Now this blog is not me saying I only like older women! There are loads of hot sexy attractive girls out there in there twenties/late teens. But… well let me give you an example of how older women stand out:

Yesterday I was in sainsbury’s busy Saturday afternoon, there is at least 10 good looking young girls that work in there, then good looking shoppers of course. Well I was in there looking around for some lunch. There were some hot girls in there but The first girl/women I noticed and looked at was this ‘tall super hot red head with the best figure ever!!’ I mean I could not stop looking at her I was amazed! Probably in her early to mid thirties as a guess. But the point is there were other girls in there that were attractive! But as soon as I saw the older attractive woman all my attention was on her then.

If you ever have the opportunity to well get involved in some way with a older woman who you are attracted to. I would go there my friend. It will be a awesome experience and you will be able to notice the difference in many ways.

I will eventually be doing Vlogs in the next month or so be a lot more fun and easier. Advice and my opinions in brutal honesty with some comedy.

If you have not read this I don’t care. But you should read it :P

If you have then thank you :)


Jammy X



Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.