Bill Manning
TruView Stand-To
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2018


The Magic of Boldness

Welcome to Stand-To and Happy New Year!

I think this quote from the 19th-century German poet and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is apropos:

“Whatever you do or dream you can do — begin it! Boldness has a genius and power and magic in it.”

It’s true. What do we want to be this year, personally and professionally and, most pointedly, as a professional company? Where is TruView going? What will it become in 2018? We are the people who decide the course, and we must be bold about it!

Boldness unlocks the genius and power and magic. I have seen it happen before my eyes, real and something to behold. The enemies of boldness — timidity, indifference, fear, carelessness, apathy — hold us back. They are the enemies of the genius and power within us and our organization.

One of TruView’s mottoes is “Be Bold: In the Absence of Orders, Attack!”

That’s true — and we will attack — but I say, also: Boldly commit to your work and to our purpose at all times! Be bold enough to dream, to improve, to better serve. Be bold — not reckless. Understand your value to TruView and evaluate and reevaluate what you bring to the company, and be bold about it, every day! Be bold in your vision. Be bold in your perseverance. Be bold in your pursuit of excellence. Be bold in earning trust. Be bold in being a leader. Be bold in doing things better. Boldly “find the needle” and fulfill our mission. Be bold in the smallest details and in the biggest ideas.

My message today is to, as Goethe says, “Begin it, and be bold about it!” Be bold professionals and give boldly of yourselves. Because the genius and the power and the magic is in you, and so it will be in TruView. Here’s to a bold and magical 2018.

