Add responsive helper classes to your project

Zander Martineau
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2016

Kickoff doesn’t include responsive helper classes by default, but I created some for a recent project. Assuming your Sass breakpoint variables (in _variables.scss) look something like this:

* Breakpoints
* =================================
* There are no common breakpoints so these are just a suggestions
* You'll need to define your own breakpoints to suit your design
$bp-narrow : 500; // Set in px
$bp-mid : 750; // Set in px
$bp-wide : 1000; // Set in px
$bp-huge : 1250; // Set in px

You can then add a series of helper classes, like so:

* Responsive helper classes to show/hide content based on our media-queries
.u-showBelowNarrow {
@include respond-min($bp-narrow) {
display: none;
.u-showBelowMid {
@include respond-min($bp-mid) {
display: none;
.u-showBelowSingleCol {
@include respond-min($bp-single-col) {
display: none;
.u-showBelowWide {
@include respond-min($bp-wide) {
display: none;
.u-showBelowHuge {
@include respond-min($bp-huge) {
display: none;
.u-showAboveNarrow {
@include respond-max($bp-narrow) {
display: none;
.u-showAboveMid {
@include respond-max($bp-mid) {
display: none;
.u-showAboveSingleCol {
@include respond-max($bp-single-col) {
display: none;
.u-showAboveWide {
@include respond-max($bp-wide) {
display: none;
.u-showAboveHuge {
@include respond-max($bp-huge) {
display: none;

In my project, these were added to _helper-classes.scss but you can add them wherever you wish.

What’s the .u- prefix for?

Kickoff namespaces some CSS classes in the framework to help developers know what module it’s from or what type of style it is. Here are a few examples:

.u-className {} /* Utility class */
.g-className {} /* Grid class */
.l-className {} /* Layout class */


Usage should be fairly straightforward, just add the relevant class to your html element:

<div class="u-showAboveSingleCol">
Show this above $bp-single-col
<div class="u-showBelowMid">
Show this below $bp-mid


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