In a country concerned with frequent product returns, TryBuy might just be the answer.

Brickview Studios
Published in
4 min readJul 10, 2019

PJs are fast acquiring the prestige of being the unofficial shopping attire of India. And why shouldn’t they be so? India itself is acquiring the status of becoming the fastest growing online retail industry in the world. A country of teeming millions, the online retail industry which is only spreading its wings as of now has the brightest future ahead in our country. While countries in the Asia Pacific crossed the one-billion mark in online shopper strength last year, India contributed 120 million of those consumers to the global figure. 2017 welcomed 108 million new buyers to the online shopping arena and interestingly, apparels and accessories constituted 54% of the purchases, thus being ranked as the most frequently bought products online. About 329.1 million people are projected to buy goods and services online by 2020, which only goes on to imply that 70.7% of all internet users in India will have bought something or the other online by then. The figures are overwhelming enough to prophesy the boom of online shopping that is going to overpower major industries in the upcoming decade. While still in its fledgling stage, the horizon seems pretty clear as ASSOCHAM Secretary General, DS Rawat has assured, “There is a huge scope for growth, year on year for quite some time. With an improvement in logistics and more and more delivery channels, online shopping is bound to grow.”

A chink in the armour?

Setting aside the massive number of customers the online retail industry woos into its bower every year, an oddly growing concern among retail businesses is the fairly high return ratio. The logistics firm Gati has affirmed that one in every four products bought online gets returned. Vikas Ahuja, the Chief Marketing Officer at Myntra has admitted to this concern prevalent in the aforementioned company in an interview with The Times of India. Buyers have highlighted the drawbacks of online purchase, chief among them being the inability to try on the products, especially apparel before purchase as well as the fear of faulty products.

Repercussions reach far and wide

Returned goods are the heralders of woe for the fledgling retail industry as they inevitably push up the average cost of delivery by 50%. Statistics reveal ominously therefore that the total loss resulting simply from returns amounts to a stark 330 crore annually impeding small firms from breaking even at the very least.

Looking for a solution?

Brickview Studios is here with something in its bag which might just solve multiple problems at a go. TryBuy is no less than a revolutionary idea in the online shopping industry which has the potential of catalysing the growth of India’s already booming online shopping industry. TryBuy answers a simple question: If trying on a product before purchase is the only gulf separating an e-store and a brick and mortar one, why not offer our customers the opportunity to bridge that too?

The TryBuy Mirror uses augmented reality technology to allow you to try on a product in real-time right on your screen, be it your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop before you order it. Gone are the days when you are forced to rack your brains imagining yourself wearing a new pair of jeans. With TryBuy, turn your imagination into reality, check out how you look wearing your desired apparel or jewelry and order only if satisfied.

Customers are less likely to return products if they have a fair idea of what they are about to purchase before they actually do so. With a reduction in returns, witness higher conversion rates and become the talk of the town. The TryBuy Mirror offers seamless integration with all e-commerce sites and platforms and being a simple plug-in, you can offer your customers their virtual trial room in just under an hour by simply logging in, uploading the product image and details and as all computing work is done on our server, all you have to do is copy and paste the URL that we generate on your website and you are good to go.

What’s more, we even promise a 100% money back guarantee if your company fails to witness at least a 10% increase in conversion rates within 6 months of using TryBuy. We provide full developers’ support for first-time integration. So, be the first to try this one-of-a-kind feature and be the next trending topic on social media.

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