Linking Realities with a Metaverse

Zayyan Ahmed
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2017

The metaphor is a classic trope.

It evokes from the reader/player a broad range of feelings and experiences.

We’re using this classic method to connect the digital and real universes.

A metaverse.

The Information Dimension

The internet is manifesting into something that could be referred to as the ‘collective unconsciousness’, ‘the akashic field’, ‘fate’, or simply ‘karma’.

Our search history, screen names, notes, pictures, comments, and memes are a facet of our personality that is often distinct from our IRL self.

What if we could interact with this ‘new life’ in its native environment — The Information Dimension?

Source: Eric Prydz VS CHVRCHES — Tether


Millenia ago, Plato theorized that there are fundamental forms from which all things are derived.

The platonic solids hold geometric insight into the nature of the world. They still hold astounding parallels with modern particle theory.

These perfect solids were further connected with the elements of creation: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Space (referred to as ‘The Universe’ by Plato, and Aether by Socrates).**


Using this ‘perfect configuration’ we can begin to decipher and perceive the essence of this dimension in a way that mirrors our own.


A theorized elementary particle that underlies reality as we know it. A metaphor for motive force, Synchrons represent a phenomenon sitting at a cross-section of many different fields.


Their differing configurations elicit positive and negative emotional states in different beings.

The beauty of the ocean, the joy of a delicious meal: in my story, these are all governed by the unique behaviour of Synchrons.

Understanding the behaviour of Synchrons through their elemental tendencies, we can begin to comprehend and channel this mystical force.

This would be the ‘magic system’ of this meta-world.

Digital Soul System

Is our digital soul merely the accumulated footprint we leave on the internet?

Source: 1st Quarter Freestyle — Big Sean

Synchrons deeply connect our inner/digital/real world. This makes them nearly one and the same.

In this metaverse; the soul is comprised of our deepest and most unknowable self. The only way to begin to discover it is by synchronizing with our self to the utmost.

The Self, according to Jung, was the sum total of the psyche, with all its potential included. This is the part of the psyche that looks forward, that contains the drive toward fulfillment and wholeness. In this, the Self was said to drive the process of individuation, the quest of the individual to reach his or her fullest potential.


Imagine a world where all these complex hidden mechanics of the mind and soul were in sync with your daily life.

A world in which we can see our digital souls.

Source: Bounce Back — Big Sean


If you liked please heart.

We are developing these ideas into a new, multi-reality experience called: ESPER.

You can try the prologue via chatbot now:

