POLL RESULT: The Ultimate Smartphone Module?

Smartphones are a big deal, what’s next?

Zayyan Ahmed
3 min readFeb 27, 2017


The smartphone market drives nearly half a trillion dollars in annual revenue. Just now, it is reaching a bit of a crossroads.

Modularity is just one exciting direction this type of device can take.

MotoMods are an effort by Motorola to give more choice to users and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

A little over a hundred people from the Moto_Z community on Reddit weighed in with their vision of the ultimate MotoMod.


Convenience is king.
A mixed race with Video and Music fighting for the lead.
Another mixed race with More Battery/Charging Options taking the lead followed by LED Notification/Light/Flash.
The Z Play is the clear leader here. But there is a decent mix.
With a huge 71% it looks like 5mm thin is the ideal thickness.
Another mixed race with $59 getting a solid margin.


People want a smartphone that’s convenient. But they also want powerful features, ease of use, and an attractive design.

They also want a few different things: better grip, wireless charging, keyboard/gaming functions, better speakers, or an IR blaster are all similarly valued.

Audio, e-ink, touch surfaces, and projectors are nice to have but not as popular with this crowd.

Battery/charging options + LED light effects are coveted and 5mm thin is near ideal, the cost should be around $59.

The users polled mainly use their phone for watching video and listening to music but they definitely like communicating, reading, gaming, and staying organized.


The community that has formed around MotoMods is both united and diverse in their wants and needs.

Thankfully, the stuff that they need most are readily developed on the MotoMods platform. Things like more battery and led lights are only the beginning of what’s possible.

As finalists in the exciting ‘Transform the Smartphone Challenge’ put on by Motorola and friends, we are glad to see that our idea is on the mark.

With LED lights, battery, speakers, being 5mm thin, and announcing: wireless charging; we hope to make an experience that’s more than the sum of its parts.

Above all, from interacting with the MotoMods community we can tell there’s a lot of passion for something great.

More articles here on Medium: https://medium.com/tryesper

The competition closes on March 6, we will be launching our powerful and convenient mod soon, stay in the loop and earn product at www.thetimewave.com

TL;DR: The Ultimate MotoMod is ~$59 With Lights and Batteries + Speakers etc. 5mm thin.

Stay in touch as we’ll be polling more communities as we continue our investigation into the soul of personal computing.

