Google My Business Takeover: The 5 Unbeatable Moves for Search Dominance!

Monica Rodrigues Smuts
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2023

Hello there, business owners, marketing managers, and customer experience leaders. Ever wonder why some businesses seem to skyrocket online while others float in the abyss of Google’s third, fourth, or, dare we say it, fifth page? It might be due to a secret weapon called Google My Business Optimisation.‍

In this blog post, we’re going to dive into the nitty-gritty details of Google My Business Optimisation and how it can supercharge your local SEO. With our guide on navigating your business through Google’s AI SEO storm, you’ll be equipped to conquer the local market like a true champ.

The Power of a Strong Google My Business Profile‍

A strong profile is your passport to visibility, higher rankings, and a boatload of customer engagement. It’s like having a neon sign in a sea of businesses, blinking, “Hey there, we’re open for business, and we’re pretty awesome.”‍

By making your business profile robust and up-to-date, you’re showing Google and customers alike that you mean business. It’s all about projecting an image of credibility and authenticity, which in turn, bolsters user experience and trust. Talk about a win-win situation!‍

But, wait! What happens when you don’t have a strong profile? You risk becoming the Internet’s best-kept secret. And we can all agree that the Internet is one place where you don’t want to be a secret, right?

Google My Business and Your Brand Reputation‍

There’s no denying that Google is the Godzilla of the internet world. Your business’s standing on Google can make or break your reputation, and that’s where Google My Business comes in. Let’s delve into the 5 key components that can elevate your business profile:‍

1. Accurate and Consistent Business Information‍

Ensure your business name, address, phone number (NAP) are accurate across all platforms. Think of it like being in the right place at the right time. If your business info is inconsistent, Google might just shrug and move on, leaving you in the dust. Google’s explanation on prominence further underscores this.‍

Additional information like business hours, website URL, and services offered are your best friends. For the icing on the cake, use schema markup. It’s like a secret handshake with Google, enhancing the visibility and clarity of your business info.‍

2. Positive Customer Reviews and Ratings‍

Customer reviews are the 21st century’s word of mouth. Encouraging reviews not only boosts your online visibility but also acts as social proof. Remember, positive reviews are like a box of chocolates in the world of Google. And who doesn’t like chocolates?‍

Responding to reviews demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction. It’s an art, and our rules for handling bad reviews are a handy guide. With Pluspoint by your side, managing reviews can be as easy as pie, helping your business become a local sensation.‍

3. High-Quality and Relevant Photos‍

A picture is worth a thousand words, and nowhere is it truer than in your Google My Business profile. High-resolution images can tell your story, showcase your services, and pull customers in. It’s like giving them a virtual tour, and who doesn’t love a good tour?‍

4. Regularly Updated Business Hours‍

Imagine standing in front of a store, only to find it closed, despite the online hours stating otherwise. Not the best experience, right? Keep your business hours up to date, especially during holidays or special events. Google’s special hours feature is your friend here, helping you avoid unhappy customers.

5. Proactive Engagement with Customer Queries and Reviews‍

In the realm of online business, communication is king. Prompt and professional responses to customer queries and reviews are an opportunity to shine. Every feedback is a chance to improve, showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction. Once again, Pluspoint can be your trusted ally in managing these queries and reviews effectively.‍‍

A Punchline, Please!‍

What’s a joke doing in an article about Google My Business Optimisation? Well, it’s to remind us that sometimes, SEO can feel like telling a joke. If you don’t deliver it right, no one gets it! But don’t worry. With Pluspoint, we’ll ensure your business always gets the punchline right.‍

In Summary…‍

A well- optimised Google My Business profile can be the difference between blending into the online crowd or standing out like a superstar. By fine-tuning your profile strength, you can improve search rankings, attract more customers, and enhance your reputation in the local market.

So, what’s next? Put these strategies into action and watch as your Google My Business profile climbs the rankings. And remember, whether you’re a mom-and-pop shop or a nationwide chain, Pluspoint is here to support you every step of the way. As we’ve discussed in our marketing primer for local businesses, our tools and insights are built to help you succeed in this new landscape.‍

Gear up and propel your local business to the pinnacle of Google My Business rankings! The path to success starts here, so why wait? Schedule your free demo now by clicking here and let’s take your business to new heights!

Originally published at

