How Scribe Works

A detailed overview of the different moving parts

7 min readJun 13, 2018


“If you’re in B2B sales, you probably just want to crush your numbers, build powerful client relationships and ultimately hit all your targets!”

But that’s not happening as smoothly as you imagined or worse not happening at all, right?

In fact, what’s more disturbing is that sales professionals are spending not more than 1/3rd of their day actually selling!

Yet there’s never been a better time to be in sales!

Thanks to super-power giving technologies like artificial intelligence, natural language processing, big data and machine learning coming together, it’s finally become possible for sales professionals to deviate from these poor stats and actually boost their everyday sales performance.

Meet your new sales assistant

Don’t all closures start with conversations?

Scribe is a sales automation tool that helps modern sales teams focus on selling and building powerful relationships. How?

Powered by AI, Scribe takes on a two pronged approach to:

  1. Identify and streamline your meaningful sales conversations
  2. Bring these meaningful conversations to Slack, and support them with smart suggested replies- so sales professionals can save time replying to their lead objections and questions they receive with the click of a button!

1. Enabling conversations that scale

Do you often find yourself drowning in a sea of marketing assigned leads? Is it becoming an uphill challenge to touch every lead and strike up a conversation with them?

If you found yourself saying ‘yes’, then you probably could do a lot with automation!

A. Create your own sales email templates or pick and choose from a library of fixed sequences

Scribe comes pre-built with a library of sales templates that you can pick and choose from to automate personalized sales email conversations with your leads. These emails serve a variety of sales use cases- from inbound conversations, to reactivating stale leads, from upsells to cold outreach.

To use pre-made email sequences, visit the ‘Fixed Sequences’ tab and choose your use case from the drop-down.

Sidebar on Scribe

To create and set up your own templates or sequences from scratch, you can either create the templates you want to send individually from the ‘Templates’ page on the left sidebar of your dashboard and then create a corresponding sequence with the same or just set up a sequence from the ‘Sequences’ tab, again on the left sidebar of your dashboard.

Whichever you choose, we support merge tags which make sure that your emails and follow-ups always stay personalized.

With this approach if you ever decide to scale your sales emails, you’ll only need to double down on the number of recipients.

B. Automatically trigger sequences for new leads in your CRM

Say goodbye to getting buried in a volume of newly assigned leads and burdened with trying to reach out to every one of them!

By integrating Scribe with your CRM and setting up zaps(one-time setup), you can trigger respective email sequences based on your lead’s source or status. This way all new leads that come into your CRM and match your preset rules, automatically follow a personalized email sequence of your choice.

So say you want to send a personalized email sequence, let’s call it ‘The killer upgrade sequence’ to all your ‘free trial’ leads(hopefully get them to upgrade ) as and when they come into your CRM, but you also don’t want to actually sit and trigger them individually every time- just set up a zap for your lead source: ‘free trial’, in this case to trigger ‘The killer upgrade’ sequence.

C. Upload CSV lead lists

Alternatively, say you’ve conjured up a list of leads(generated in-house or other outsourced source) and want to get in touch with them. Simply upload a csv sheet of leads by clicking on ‘Add recipients’ on the top-right corner of your created sequence and follow the steps on your screen.

2. Smart objection handling on Slack

After you’ve reached out to your leads, do you keep an eye out for inbox notifications so you don’t miss out on your lead’s responses?

Or do you just handle them as and when you have the time?

The bigger question is: Do you reply to each of their objections individually, although it’s probably uncannily similar to something you said to another prospect? The answer is most probably, yes!

Sales reps are spending a lot of time in back and forth sales communication and answering repetitive objections/questions!

Someone, somewhere had to find a way to help sales reps to manage these meaningful conversations more efficiently!

Well, we did- with our seamless objection handling module.

A. Receive instant Slack notifications for new lead objections and responses

Scribe makes sure you don’t miss out on any of your meaningful sales conversations by bringing your prospect’s responses seamlessly to Slack.

Just Add Scribe to Slack from the ‘Update account’ page under the ‘My account’ section on the left sidebar of your dashboard. Once you do this, you’ll unlock a whole new world of smart objection handling with instant alerts for incoming objections, supported by suggested replies and more.

B. Edit, create or review suggested replies to instantly respond to your lead

Once you start receiving your prospect’s objections on Slack, you’ll see that they come with ‘suggested replies’ which you can edit, approve or send with the click of a button without spending huge amounts of time that are ultimately unaccounted for.

At first, Scribe comes trained out of the box. Simply put, this means Scribe suggests smart replies for typical and generic sales responses.

Suggested Replies on #sales-scribe

Again, you can directly approve(‘Send email’) or tweak these suggested replies(‘Edit email’) to match your sales tone.

Suggested replies get smarter, over time

For more complex objections, at first you’ll probably have to ‘Type new reply’ and ‘Submit’ so that Scribe can send it to your prospect. In this process however, Scribe learns from your newly typed reply and parks it in your objection handling knowledge base for future use i.e now every time you receive an objection with a similar/same intent, Scribe will suggest a personalized reply which you can approve and directly send to your prospect**!

**This dynamic knowledge base feature comes limited with the free plan. For all paid plans, this is a full-fledged feature that has been proven itself as a major time saver for sales teams, large and small.

Analytics for a bird’s eye view of your sales performance

Now that you’ve reached out to your leads, handled their objections, closed them even, you probably want to see the impact Scribe had on your sales conversations.

Did Scribe actually help you manage your lead objections more efficiently? How much time did you actually end up saving?

Scribe makes sure you stay on top of your key data points by providing a comprehensive dashboard as well as in-slack analytics.

A. The Dashboard

Once you login to your Scribe dashboard, you’ll notice key metrics like —

  1. Contacts engaged: Shows the number of contacts that were reached out by your email sequences on Scribe.
  2. Meetings booked: Number and list of meetings/demos that were booked by Scribe’s scheduling page.
  3. Percentage Automated (coming soon): This metric should give you a clear idea of the percentage of conversations that Scribe helped automate. Again, as you use start using Scribe you’ll see this percentage increase with time as suggested replies keep getting more and more accurate.
  4. Time saved (coming soon): Calculates the time you saved by creating/editing/approving replies for your objections compared to the time you would have otherwise spent replying to prospects from your inbox!

B. Slack Commands

Slack commands are no secret to anyone! In fact, they still stand to be one of the most used, productive features on Slack. At Scribe we incorporate this knowledge into your experience on #sales-scribe by bringing your analytics under one roof i.e. Slack, so sales professionals and teams can both view their analytics whenever they want without moving out of of Slack!

To get started and see a list of smart Slack commands which you can use on your #sales-scribe channel, just type ‘@scribe help’ and Scribe bot will take you through the next steps.

Wrapping up

As an early stage company, although we managed to get a lot of eyeballs (featured in TechCrunch,’s Sales toolkit and one of the more popular sales enablement tool on, we believe we still have a long way to go and need as many of you as possible to share your thoughts on Scribe.

Is there a crucial feature you think we missed out and could positively impact and scale your sales conversations? What can we do to make your Scribe experience better than it is now?

A few claps here and there go a long way so if you liked what you read/ think Scribe has mad potential, please 👏👏 to help us reach more people!

Also please don’t shy away from sharing your thoughts and feedback. The humans behind Scribe — Rutika Muchhala, Sachin Bhat, Nidhriti Bhowmik🚀 and Zeeshan Ahmed can’t wait to hear from you!




Designed for sales teams, large and small.