Tryvium Development Update #2

Tryvium Development Team
Tryvium Travels
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2019

Hello Tryvium followers,

This is the second post of the Tryvium development updates series.

We are happy to confirm that development is progressing on schedule per the official roadmap. Release time is approaching so fast and we are over-excited to bring new features to the tourism sector. There are a lot of new updates, regarding current and immediate future work.

Backend Development

The backend development is going as expected and the alpha version of the backend will be finished by the end of this month.

We chose to implement the backend with the following libraries:

Connections with Development Redis and MongoDB databases have been set and the preliminary application tests have been created using Postman Runners.

Application Logic is 70% completed and we plan to finish it soon.

Sneaky peak of the Backend code ;)

Frontend Development

Next month we are going to begin with the Front-End design and development.

The first frontend application will have the form of a webapp accessible on a particular URL, but we still need to decide on which. More info will be given on later update(s).
We have chosen the following technologies to implement our solution:

  • vueJS as Javascript SPA (Single Page Application) framework.
  • webpack as Application Loader
  • HTML5/CSS3/Typescript as frontend stack
  • CSS framework is currently in process of being chosen and is currently in “under review” state

The choice of the Typescript language over the standard Javascript comes due to the fact that we plan to address latest technology and, in particular, the first is far more readable and Object-Oriented than the second. Of course it has some minor drawbacks, but we will handle them by implementing custom ad-hoc adapters and using necessary third party tools, if required.

Tryvium Blockchain Research progress

Regarding the Blockchain research mentioned in the first update, we are happy to say that we searched across dozens of candidate blockchains, evaluating PROs and CONs of all of them.

Currently we have two candidates which we are investigating. As a result of this, the development of a golang wrapper for dApps calls has started while we are still analyzing which one is better, and the name of the winner will be announced in the subsequent update(s).

More news will come, Stay tuned.



Tryvium Development Team
Tryvium Travels

This is the development team of the Tryvium Travels project. Come see our work at