Lane Santa Cruz throws shade against Tucson Sanctuary City Initiative Latina organizer who responds

Three Sonorans
TSON News by Three Sonorans
10 min readMar 31, 2019


Today we in Tucson get to observe the transformation of a local Latina politician from an AOC into a Nancy Pelosi. The controversial issue has to do with making Tucson into a Sanctuary City for immigrants.

Tucson Families Free and Together Declaration of Police: “It is the policy of the city that the city be a sanctuary and safe refuge for all persons, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, immigration status, ability to speak English, mode of dress, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, economic status, and familial or marital status. Further, the city is committed to protecting and defending all people, and upholding the self-evident truths that all people are created equal and endowed with the unalienable rights of life, liberty and sanctuary.”

Tucson Families Free and Together (FFT) is a citizen initiative to make Tucson into a “sanctuary city” for just about everyone as you can read in the declaration above. What makes this controversial is the “immigration status” part of the initiative; this new city law would stop police from just stopping anyone, who has NOT been detained or arrested, to demand proof of citizenship. An exception is made for people who have already been detained or arrested.

Of course, immigrants are the very ones who need this protection the most and thus provide the main motivation behind the need for declaring sanctuary status for Tucson such as San Francisco has done.



Three Sonorans
TSON News by Three Sonorans

Three Sonorans covers activist and progressive news for Tucson and Arizona. Ethnic Studies, SB1070, and the the epicenter of the new Civil Rights Movement.