source: Templeton Magazine

Winter Fun

Come enjoy an evening of food, talent, and laughter

Templeton Magazine
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2016


Wondering what goes on in that weird third-floor hallway? Wondering why so many cool people are there? Welcome to mini hall, your stop for all the latest news about Templeton’s mini school program.

Mini school is a program designed to push students to their full capabilities while bringing them closer together. It’s a fantastic time for everyone, with lots of stories to tell.

Mini even has its own student council, which organizes fun events for mini-schoolers throughout the year, from Halloween to Christmas to Valentine’s Day and more. While every event is exciting, one of the biggest and beloved is the Winter Celebration, which is coming up next Thursday, on December 1st. We invite students and their families to gather for a potluck dinner, full of laughter and delicious food, followed by a wonderful selection of performances for the talent-show that follows!

Of course, the best part of all this is the gifts! Students have been organizing secret-santa style gifting among their classes. Tasked with decorating their chosen friend’s locker (in secret, of course), they must find the perfect gift for their classmates, all without the other person’s knowledge. At the Celebration, all will finally be revealed!

The Winter Celebration is always fantastic, and this year is sure to be no exception. We hope to see you there!

