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Fasika 101: A Guide to Easter in Ethiopia

Tastemakers Africa
Published in
1 min readApr 14, 2017


A trip to Ethiopia should almost always be planned around one of the country’s major holidays. Whether you are traveling for work spending time in Addis Ababa or have time to head out to Gondar or Lalibela your time in the only African nation to make Lonely Planet’s top 10 destinations of 2017 will be heightened by witnessing the color, sound, and pilgrimages of an orthodox celebration. Fasika, Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Easter, is the largest one yet and falls this year on April 16, the same day as Easter in the western tradition. While we may not be able to make you an instant expert, our handy infographic will help you have the basics covered as you plan your trip to an enchanting destination.

Ethiopian Fasika Infograph



Tastemakers Africa

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