The 1st Round of Lucky Box Attracted 124,585 Participant

A total of 1,596,705 TTC is distributed to 124,585 Lucky Box participants.

Maro — Official Blog
4 min readJun 6, 2019


Dear supporters,

The first round of Lucky Box ended successfully, attracting whopping124,585 participants. The number of TTC account is now 715,075, as over 200,000 TTC accounts newly opened during the same period.

The total of 1,596,705 TTC was distributed as rewards for the participants. To ensure the maximum amount of rewards goes to the real participants, TTC Foundation ran a strict and rigorous filtering process to weed out any accounts using illegal methods such as script and/or emulator.

There are still more TTC left in the rewards pool. If you have not, download TTC Connect and participate in the 2nd round of Lucky Box.

Key Stats

Let us take a look at some interesting numbers from the event.

⚠️ The statistics exclude all the accounts found to have cheated using an illegal method, such as emulator or script. If you have any question, contact us via Telegram group.

  • Total participants: 124,595
  • Daily Active Users (DAU): 96,318
  • Total number of play: 1,793,856
  • Number of TTC wallets: 715,075 (You can see number of active wallets at TTCScan)
  • Participants who invited over 30 friends: 2,878
  • Number of clicks/shares of links: 413,578
  • Total TTC rewards for the first round: 1,596,705 TTC
  • Top 5 rewards amount
    1st: 1,753.20 TTC
    2nd: 1,530.34 TTC
    3rd: 1,350.00 TTC
    4th: 1,336.84 TTC
    5th: 1,333.78 TTC

Rewards Re-evaluation

️ This section of the article has been updated on 2019/06/13

TTC officials discovered that some users violated the rules of Lucky Box through technical means such as using emulators and scripts to cheat. Such malicious activities have caused harm to the purpose of Lucky Box and the interests of other users who followed the rules.

In order to ensure the fairness of Lucky Box, TTC officials promptly strengthened anti-cheating measurements during the first round and strictly controlled the auditing of the data after the round was concluded. Reward qualifications were immediately canceled once identified as cheating and only fair playing participants were rewarded.

However, to ensure there are no participants unjustly excluded from receiving their rewards, additional audits have been carefully carried out for questionable accounts. The re-evaluated airdrops have been distributed as a second batch on June 13th, 2019 (UTC+8).

After TTC officials reviewed all the addresses in question, 9157 participants were rewarded an additional 465,065.29 TTC. As all participants have been thoroughly reviewed of their participation, the first round of Luck Box has officially ended. Please look forward to the second round of Lucky Box.

How to use TTC with TTC Connect

Now that many participants are TTC holders and ready to make the most out of our DAPPs, let us guide our community through the ideal ways one can utilize ones TTC for fun and profit.

Vote and Earn Voting Rewards

In TTC Connect, users can vote for Representatives and earn voting rewards. The process is quite simple, but here are some materials to help you understand the voting mechanism and how to earn more.

Play and Earn TTC

TTC Connect allows you to access all TTC, and soon Acorn Alliance, DAPPs with a Single-Sign-On (SSO).

Currently, there are 2 game DAPPs on TTC Connect: Shining Run and Build House. Let us see what these are and how they can make the TTC experience more robust and can be used to earn more TTC.

  1. Shining Run: Shining Run is an arcade game designed for all ages, with simple and intuitive game play. Simply swipe your finger left and right to avoid obstacles and collect items while trying to run as far as you can. You need to pay 2 TTC to play and can earn up to 20 TTC. A total prize of 4,000 TTC will be rewarded everyday.
  2. Build House: Stack building blocks as high as possible by simply touching the screen to release them at the right timing. You need to pay 2 TTC to play and can earn TTC if you score over 200. The higher you build, the more TTC rewards you will get. A total prize of 4,000 TTC will be rewarded to players everyday.

Trade TTC

TDEX is a secure decentralized exchange for TTC and TST20 tokens (tokens designed and used solely on the TTC platform). Users can trade TST20/TTC and TST20/TST20 in real-time on TTC Connect. With TDEX, users no longer have to undergo the tedious process of depositing to, trading within, and withdrawing from a centralized exchange. Also, TDEX only requires a small gas fee to trade.

TDEX initially supports $TTC and $ACN, the first TST20 token issued by Acorn Protocol. TDEX will list additional TST20 tokens in the future as more DAPPs and services join the TTC ecosystem.

As much as it is inspiring to witness our growth in size, the more exciting aspect of our growth is that the TTC Ecosystem is now ready to blossom. The 120,000 users who are now a part of the TTC Ecosystem as TTC holders are potential DAPP users and evangelists of TTC who will bring about further expansion. TTC Foundation will do its best to provide the best support for our new users.

If you have any further questions, please contact us through our Telegram group or email.

Thank you.

TTC Foundation

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website.To receive the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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