TTC Platform & Acorn Protocol Separation

Maro — Official Blog
4 min readMar 28, 2019

It has already been a year since TTC was introduced to the world. TTC pursues the vision of “Building for Billions”, a mass adoption of blockchain, by forming an alliance with key vertical social networks to grow its user base, and by providing a user-friendly, yet highly effective blockchain platform. We revise and improve the project strategy on a daily basis to achieve this goal.

Prior to the launch of our main network Rigi on March 31st 2019, we are hereby announcing the release of our Whitepaper 2.0 and a separation of the TTC blockchain platform (“TTC Platform”) and its social protocol.

1. In connection with the launch, the current ERC-20 Standard compliant TTC tokens (“TTC Interim Tokens”) will be swappable (“Launch Token Swap”) to (a) a platform coin called the “TTC Coin”, and (b) a social protocol token referred to as “Acorn Token” featuring the following:

  • Governance (i.e. voting vis-à-vis the consensus mechanism) and operation (i.e. gas) will be native to the TTC Platform and related functionalities will be accessible via TTC coins. The TTC blockchain is a public blockchain platform leading mass adoption of blockchain through its technological advancements and sustainable token economy model. TTC coins will also be used for block production rewards and voting rewards along with other blockchain platform functions.
  • The TTC Rewards Engine and the social network protocol associated with the TTC Platform will be reworked to be the new Acorn Rewards Engine and Acorn Protocol respectively. The Acorn Reward Engine incentivizes users of decentralized applications built on the Acorn Protocol for their online contributions transparently and fairly, targeting users across the regions to create and achieve a global network. The Acorn Rewards Engine will also replicate the rewards mechanism of the proposed TTC Rewards Engine, including the Content Rewards, Reputation Rewards, and AD Rewards, will remain the same.

2. Pursuant to the Launch Token Swap , existing TTC Interim Tokens will be swappable for TTC Coins and Acorn Tokens as follows:

  • One (1) ERC-20 Standard compliant TTC Interim Token will be swappable for one (1) TTC Coin and ten (10) Acorn Tokens, which are TTC Standard tokens (TST-20 Standard).
  • 70% of the swapped Acorn Tokens will be locked for 30 days from the date of swap, such date of swap exclusive. Swapped TTC Coins and 30% of swapped Acorn Tokens may immediately be used for trade and transferred.
  • Launch Token Swap is scheduled to commence shortly after the launch of Rigi, the TTC main network, on March 31st, 2019. Holders can participate in the Launch Token Swap and swap their TTC Interim Tokens for TTC Coins & Acorn Tokens through TTC Connect (a mobile wallet app which we have developed operating based on the TTC Platform) and officially listed exchanges.
  • TDEX, a decentralized exchange for ACN/TTC trade, is currently being developed and undergoing its final testing period. TDEX will soon be available in TTC Connect to allow holders of TTC Coins and Acorn Tokens to trade and exchange TTC Coins for Acorn Tokens and vice versa.

3. TTC Coins and Acorn Tokens together complete the growth cycle of TTC.

  • Acorn Protocol creates an ecosystem where diverse social networks can cooperate and grow together.
  • Acorn Protocol grows its user base by partnering up with already established social networks. Those users will receive rewards of Acorn Tokens through TTC Connect, and will naturally be introduced to the TTC ecosystem. Such inflow of users will grow the TTC ecosystem as well.
  • Acorn Protocol will be able to handle and process data from millions of users on top of the secure and scalable TTC Platform.
  • The TTC Platform will grow into a blockchain platform leading the mass adoption of blockchain, thanks to a sustainable governance system, stable performance, amazing user experience, and millions of uses.

With the Launch Token Swap, we now have a simpler yet sustainable token economy model. This will not only create better growth of the TTC Platform, but trigger a synergy of coevolution.

Starting with the launch of Rigi, TTC will evolve into a larger and much complete ecosystem. We believe that TTC Coins and Acorn Tokens will together bring blockchain to lives of billions of people.

Please refer to our Whitepaper v 2.0, which is scheduled to be released this week, for more details.

Thank you.

TTC Foundation

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.

About Acorn Protocol

Acorn Protocol is a blockchain protocol for social networks to seamlessly implement a rewarding system for its user participation. We work to disrupt the unjust value distribution of centralized social networks.



Maro — Official Blog

Connect and cooperate to create value and opportunities to build a prosperous world