⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was announced before the separation. [Read more]

Airdrop for Token Sale Participants — Last Snapshot

On October 23rd, 2018, the snapshot for the last airdrop will be taken.

Maro — Official Blog


Dear participants,

In our Token Distribution Event announcement, we shared that we will be airdropping 18,042,857.5385516 TTC tokens. We announced that the tokens will be distributed through 3 separate airdrops, each airdrop distributing 6,014,619.1795172 TTC tokens.

As the time for the 3rd, and last, airdrop approaches, we will share some important details in regards to the airdrop.

Basic Information

Snapshot Date & Time: October 23rd, 2018, 00:00 (GMT+8) (error range: ±48 hours)
Recipients: Token Sale Participants (Private/Pre-ICO/Main-ICO)
Airdropped Tokens: 6,014,619.1795172 TTC

Airdrop Step-by-Step

  1. At the time listed above, TTC Protocol will take a snapshot of the tokens held inside all wallets used for the token sale.
  2. The percentage ratio of TTC tokens held by each wallet will be calculated to the total amount of tokens held in all wallets.
  3. Each wallet will receive its respective percentage of tokens within 48 hours of the snapshot.

Amount of TTC tokens airdropped to participant “A” = 6,014,619.1795172 TTC * (amount of TTC in A’s ICO wallet / total amount of TTC tokens in every participants ICO wallets)

Rules & Guideline for Airdrop

  1. Only the tokens inside the wallet used for the token sale will be considered valid for the calculation of Airdrops. Please make sure that your TTC tokens are stored in the right wallet for the snapshot. Other wallets, such as wallets provided by exchanges, will not be considered for TTC token airdrops.
  2. The exact time of snapshot could have up to 48 hours of error margin due to network issues. Please note that we will only count TTC tokens shown on the snapshot for airdrop calculation. We advise that you keep your TTC tokens within the token sale wallet 48 hours before and after the scheduled snapshot.
  3. The distribution of Airdrop could take up to 48 hours from the actual time of snapshot, due to instability and speed issue of the Ethereum network.

Real Life Example

0. Background
A participant named “James” obtained 5 TTC during the token sale.
- During token sale, a total of 100 participants obtained 1,000 TTC.

First Snapshot: July 10th, 2018 / 00:00 (GMT+8)
- Between 100 participants, a total of 200 TTC tokens were sold. 800 TTC are owned by all participants, in their respective ICO participated wallets.
- James did not sell. He still owns 5 TTC.

James will receive:
6,014,619.1795172 * (5/800) = 37591.369872 TTC

Second Snapshot: August 14th, 2018 / 00:00 (GMT+8)
Between 100 participants, a total of 200 TTC tokens were sold again. 600 TTC are owned by all participants, again, in their ICO participated wallets.
- James bought 15 TTC. He now owns 20 TTC.

James will receive:
6,014,619.1795172 * (20/600) = 200,487.305984 TTC

Third Snapshot: October 23rd, 2018 / 00:00 (GMT+8)
- Between 100 participants, a total of 300 TTC tokens were sold again. Now only 300 TTC are owned by all participants.
- James sold 12 TTC. He now owns 8 TTC.

James will receive:
6,014,619.1795172 * (8/300) = 160,389.844787 TTC

As illustrated, if you keep your first two airdrops in your wallet for the third snapshot, it will be calculated towards the third airdrop.

If you have any questions, please reach us through our email, telegram channel, or other social media pages listed below.

Thank you for participating in our token sale. We are sincerely grateful for your contribution and support.

— TTC Foundation

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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