⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was announced before the separation. [Read more]

Airdrop for Token Sale Participants — The 3rd (and Last) Distribution Ended Successfully

Maro — Official Blog
2 min readOct 24, 2018


Dear supporters,

The snapshot for this airdrop event was taken at 00:00 (GMT+8, error range ±48hrs) on October 23rd, 2018. The amount of TTC for each recipient was calculated using below equation.

Amount of TTC tokens airdropped to participant “A” = Total TTC Pool for Airdrop * (amount of TTC in A’s ICO wallet / total amount of TTC tokens in every participants ICO wallets)

A total of 6,014,619.1795172 TTCs was airdropped among token sale participants. The number of TTC tokens found in the snapshot was 130,565,196.27 TTC.

⚠️ Wallets holding less than 10 TTC have been neglected.

Calculating Your Airdrop Amount

Each participants received 46.066021814 TTCs for every 1,000TTCs stored inside his/her wallet.

You can calculate the exact amount, using below equation.

My Airdrop Amount (TTC) = # of TTCs in my ICO wallet * 0.046066021814

Airdrop Recap

All snapshots and distributions have been concluded through three separate airdrops.

First Airdrop
Total Snapshot Tokens 102,674,517.91 TTC
approx. 5.858%

Second Airdrop
Total Snap Shot Tokens 120,410,981.37 TTC
approx. 5.000%

Third Airdrop
지갑들 내 총TTC 개수 130,565,196.27 TTC
approx. 4.610%

As of now, all airdrops of unsold TTC tokens have been concluded. Once again we thank all token sale participants.

If you have any questions, please reach us through our email, telegram channel, or other social media pages listed below.

— TTC Foundation

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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