CLAY TGE & Tigris Protocol Beta-1: Now Live

CLAY tokens will begin to be distributed, as the staking services of Tigris Protocol go live as beta.

Maro — Official Blog
6 min readSep 28, 2019


Today, September 28th 2019, we have an important announcement on Tigris Protocol: CLAY token generation event (TGE) and Tigris Protocol beta-1 are launched.

Using iPhone? READ THIS!

This section contains extremely important information for iPhone users. Not reading thoroughly may cause the loss of your precious asset.

  • If you are using an Android, you can skip this section.
  • If you already are using TTC Connect Pro, you can skip this section.
    Please note that TTC Connect and TTC Connect Pro are not the same application.

If you are using an iPhone and TTC Connect (Not “Pro”), you must follow the below steps before proceeding any further. Failing to do so may result in the asset loss.

  1. Touch the bottom right tab (My Page) from your TTC Connect.
  2. Touch “Security Center”.
  3. Touch “Backup Mnemonic Words” or “Backup Private Key”.
  4. Write down your mnemonic words (or Private key). Keep them in a safe place. Remember: LOSING OR EXPOSING THIS INFORMATION WILL RESULT IN A PERMANANT LOSS OF ASSET.
  5. Download TTC Connect Pro from Appstore.
  6. Run TTC Connect Pro and import your wallet with the mnemonic words (or private key) from step 4.

⚠️ This process is necessary due some changes made based on Apple’s policy. The TTC Foundation does NOT take any responsibility for lost assets resulted from failing to follow the above steps.

If you have not downloaded TTC Connect yet and am new to the TTC Ecosystem, simply use the below links to download TTC Connect.

Apple App Store | Google Play Store

CLAY Token Generation Event

The CLAY TGE distributes CLAY tokens to anyone who participated in the (i) public sale, (ii)private sale and (iii) lockdrop of CLAY token. CLAY tokens will be deposited to TTC Connect account automatically; no actions required from the participants. Distributed CLAY tokens can be used for Tigris Rewards Program immediately. (See below for more info)

Here is a quick overview of the public/private sales and lockdrop.

Token Sale (Concluded)

  • Private Sale
    CLAY Tokens Hardcap: 400,000,000 CLAY
    - Price: 1 TTC = 20 CLAY (No Lockup. No discount.)
  • Public Sale
    - CLAY Tokens Hardcap: 200,000,000 CLAY
    - Price: 1 TTC = 20 CLAY (No Lockup. No discount.)
    - Public Sale Initiated: 2019/08/13 20:00 (UTC+8)
    - Public Sale Concluded: 2019/08/13 22:57 (UTC+8)

Lockdrop (Ongoing)

  • 6 Months Lock-up
    - Participation Period: 2019. 8. 20–2019. 10. 20 (UTC+8)
    - Hardcap: 200,000,000 CLAY or 50,000,000 TTC
    - Rate: 1 TTC = 4 CLAY
    - Min Lockup Amount: 1,000 TTC
    - Max Lockup Amount: 300,000 TTC
  • 12 Months Lock-up
    - Participation Period: 2019. 8. 20–2019. 10. 20 (UTC+8)
    - Hardcap: 200,000,000 CLAY or 20,000,000 TTC
    - Rate: 1 TTC = 10 CLAY
    - Min Lockup Amount: 1,000 TTC
    - Max Lockup Amount: 300,000 TTC

Anyone can still particiapte in lockdrop, until the supply lasts. Those who participate in the lockdrop after the TGE will receive their CLAY tokens immediately. To learn more about the CLAY token lockdrop, please click here.

Tigris Protocol — Beta Service Launched

Tigris Protocol allows users to stake their TTC and/or CLAY tokens to earn daily rewards. Let us take a look at the two staking services of Tigris Protocol.

1. TTC Staking Service (TSS)

By using Tigris Protocol’s TSS, users can stake their TTC in the Self-learning Automatic Voting Engine (we prefer calling it “SAVE”) to earn higher voting rewards and be free from the hassle of renewing votes. TSS also grant highly valued Representatives more chances to contribute to the ecosystem as SAVE votes for productive Representatives which can improve the overall network.

How to use TSS

  1. Run the latest version of “TTC Connect (Android)” or “TTC Connect Pro (iOS)”, access “Tigris” from the DAPPs tab, and touch “Stake” from the main page
  2. Select TTC, insert the amount of TTC you would like to stake, and touch “Stake” once more to finalize (minimum staking is 100 TTC)
  3. When you receive your interest, touch the interest to decide if you would like to stake or withdraw the interest
  4. Touch “Stake” if you would like to stake the earned interest (rewards) into SAVE as well

If you stake TTC at Day t+0 (base time: UTC), your daily TTC staking rewards will start being distributed at Day t+2. For example, users who stake TTC between Sep. 28th 00:00–23:59 (UTC), will receive their first rewards on Sep. 30th 00:00 (UTC).

2. Tigris Rewards Program (= CLAY Token Staking)

Any CLAY token holders can stake their CLAY tokens and earn daily rewards (in TTC and CLAY). The daily rewards comes from three different sources.

  1. 80% of the voting rewards generated from staking TTC stored in the Tigris Reserve into SAVE are rewarded to CLAY token stakers.
  2. CLAY token stakers take away 80% of the TSS fee paid by TTC holders who stake their TTC.
  3. CLAY token stakers take 80% of the total Collateralized Debt Service (CDS) fee paid by CDS users.

In a nutshell, as the usage of Tigris Protocol services increases, Tigris Rewards Programs will distribute higher rewards to users. To learn more about the Tigris Rewards Program, please refer to our Whitepaper.

How to join the Tigris Rewards Program

Users who staked their TTC may now stake their CLAY tokens for an even higher daily return.

  1. Run the latest version of “TTC Connect (Android)” or “TTC Connect Pro (iOS)”, access “Tigris” from the DAPPs tab, and touch “Stake” from the main page
  2. Select “CLAY”, insert the amount of CLAY you would like to stake, and touch “Stake” once more to finalize (minimum staking is 1,000 CLAY)
  3. When you receive your interest (rewards), you may decide if you would like to stake or withdraw the interest earned

CLAY staking steps are similar to TTC staking, but to stake CLAY tokens, TTC has to be staked beforehand. Also, identical to TTC staking, if you stake TTC at Day t+0 (base time: UTC), your daily TTC staking rewards will start being distributed at Day t+2.

What’s Next?

The Collateralized Debt Service (CDS) will soon begin its beta testing as Tigris Protocol is preparing the release of Tigris Protocol Beta-2. Once live, users my collateralize their TTC for fiat pegged stable coins.

The CLAY TGE and Tigris Protocol staking service going live marks the beginning of Tigris Protocol. Since Tigris Protocol utilize the Tigris Reserve with SAVE, which maximize voting rewards by voting for Representatives with high value, users may experience some changes in voter turnout and the overall voting rewards received in the beginning.

If you would like to learn more about Tigris Protocol, check out our Telegram Group.

Thank you,

TTC Foundation | Tigris Protocol

About Tigris Protocol

Tigris Protocol is an open, trusted and interoperable Decentralized Financial (DeFi) service built on the TTC Blockchain Platform. It provides effortless crypto loans, stable daily rewards, and paramount security. For details, visit our website.To receive the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website.To receive the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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