⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was published before the separation. [Read more]

Hongwei Cao from Baidu and Ryan Kim from Hashed Join TTC as Advisors

Maro — Official Blog
3 min readApr 17, 2018


Dear supporters,

Today, we are very excited to introduce two new advisors to you. Please meet Hongwei Cao and Ryan Kim.

Hongwei Cao (RavenTech at Baidu HQ)

Hongwei Cao is the CTO of RavenTech, one of the business unit at Baidu HQ. He graduated from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication as undergraduate and earned his MBA in Central University of Finance and Economics. He has over 20 years of experience in IT and Internet, including 9 years at Qualcomm as a developer. He is also a key bloger

He also has a very special tie with Brian, CEO of tataUFO and President of TTC Protocol. In 2015, Hongwei served as CTO of tataUFO, overseeing the entire tech team and working side-by-side with Brian. Even after leaving tataUFO team, Hongwei continued to show a dedicated and limitless support and affection to the product once he was deeply involved with.

When Brian decided to launch the TTC Protocol, Hongwei was the first one to share his advice with him regarding the blockchain technology. He became one of our first advisors very naturally.

“As a ex-colleague, Brian is a leader who has a great read on the market and strong willpower to push thru obstacles. It is a real challenge just to grow a company, yet he did in a foreign land as a foreigner. I have no doubt that he will create another amazing success with this project. It is an amazing feeling to be a part of TTC Protocol as an advisor!”

Ryan Kim (Hashed)

Ryan Kim is a partner and Chief Acceleration Officer of Hashed.

He is a serial entrepreneur with a successful exit of Looket, a mobile app solution startup for online(web) ecommerce site, to Recobell, a subsidiary of Yello Digital Marketing (YDM). He graduated from Seoul Science High School and KAIST, both top schools in Korea for Science and Technology.

With his extensive knowledge on how to start and build companies, Ryan co-founded Hashed, one of the largest accelerator on crypto-business, and is leading its acceleration program.

Ryan joined as an advisor, soon after talking with Chase and Brian, as he saw the future value of TTC highly. He is not afraid of being the “devil’s advocate” to make sure that TTC is on track for the success.

“From my past experience of startup, TTC has an immense future growth potential. Specially the passion Brian and his team has for blockchain technology really inspired me. I will do everything I can do to help TTC succeed as an advisor.”

Team TTC really appreciate all the help and support of these advisors. Together we are disrupting the existing centralized social networks.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned with us for more news!

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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