⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was published before the separation. [Read more]

Making Blockchain Technology Accessible To All — TTC Wallet and Block Explorer

Blockchain for billions

Maro — Official Blog


Dear Supporters,

Previously, we have posted an open letter intended for the developer community. It illustrated how TTC Protocol will be developing its mainnet. The article, or letter, highlighted how TTC Protocol will approach the scalability issue of blockchain. Today, we will be showcasing the tools that we have developed to improve the accessibility of TTC’s mainnet.

Most blockchain based projects have the similar issue of having a high learning curve for casual users. We understand that for a blockchain project to be successful, it has to be easily accessible for anyone. In order to provide a more convenient and complete service for our users and developers, TTC Protocol has been developing two new tools. These two tools will provide users and developers with a more accessible environment while laying a solid foundation for the future development of the TTC ecosystem.

Any social or community-related product that is consistent with the TTC concept can be added to the TTC ecosystem. Therefore, by introducing the TTC Mobile/Web Wallet and Block Browser Explorer, TTC Protocol targets to provide users with a better experience and support developers to vitalize the TTC ecosystem.

TTC Wallet: Access Your Assets & Rights

TTC Wallet is a mobile app that will be available on both iOS and Android devices. As a tool for connecting DAPPs and the outside world, TTC wallet has three major functions.

It allows users to store and transfer their digital assets. By using the TTC Wallet, a user can easily keep track of and allocate their TTC tokens as they wish. Through their respective TTC Wallets, users can transfer assets across all DAPPs within the TTC ecosystem and to wallets (ERC-20) outside the ecosystem.

It can be used as a SSO (Single Sign-On) tool that acts as a passport within the TTC ecosystem. Information is shared and transferred between all DAPPs once a DAPP is mounted on to TTC Protocol. Therefore, users can conveniently obtain token rewards from multiple DAPPs. Furthermore, as all DAPPs are listed on the home screen of the TTC Wallet, users can access all DAPPs by a simple click of a button.

It allows TTC token holders to effortlessly vote for supernodes. TTC Protocol is based on the BFT-DPoS consensus model. This indicates that all transactions are recorded by supernodes. Thus, as much as the role of supernodes are important, they will be elected by token holders.

Supernodes (The data shown in the figure is only test data)

All users that hold TTC tokens can participate in the election of supernodes. Once the wallet is online, users can easily vote for supernodes directly from their TTC wallets and obtain some of the TTC reward included in the block excavated by the supernode (details will be shared once the Whitepaper is soon updated).

Currently, most Blockchains or DAPPs that are based on the DPoS consensus model struggle to promote their users to vote; this is mostly due to the complicated voting process. TTC Protocol aims to make this process simple and inclusive by utilizing the TTC Wallet for voting. We hope that this effort will bring about a wholesome, transparent, and democratized TTC community.

As of now, the development and testing of the alpha version has been completed. Hence, the wallet’s stability is being tested with an authoritative agency through collaborative efforts. After the stability test phase is concluded, it will be publicly tested on the mainnet which will soon be online.

Block Browser Explorer

Block Information (The data shown in the figure is only test data)

The Block Browser Explorer can be understood as “blockchain + browser”, which is the main window for browsing blockchain information. The Block Browser Explorer is based on the TTC Protocol mainnet and has two basic functions.

First, users can use it to check the record of each user’s behavior, including the record of comments, likes, and so on.

Second, the user can query the account record in the browser, including the time, amount, and transaction object of the transfer.

Transaction Information (The data shown in the figure is only test data)

The block browser records in detail the confirmation process of each block and the process of generating and distributing digital coins, and completely records the digital currency flow between each block, thus revealing the information on the stock, increments, turnover rates, etc. of the currency more completely and publicly. The only hidden element is the identity of the owner behind each block. Block generation, user behavior, and asset transactions are performed through encryption algorithms to ensure that they cannot be forged or tampered with.

In addition, after going online, the Explorer can query every transaction and block of TTC, as well as the details of each supernode.

The internal testing phases of the two tools are expected to be completed soon. We will announce the official public testing schedule once it is ready. Prominent white hat hackers are participating in our internal testing to make the TTC mainnet better and safer. Fortunately, more will be joining during our public testing phase. If you want to know more about the technical solutions of the TTC Protocol, check out our GitHub page.

Since TTC Protocol officially released its project, it has received wide attention from global community builders. Many outstanding organizations and individuals have participated in the project and contributed to the construction of the TTC ecosystem. We thank you all for your contribution and support.

Reach us through our telegram channel and official email. We will continuously share updates and progress to the community. Thank you for your support and interest in TTC Protocol

— Team TTC

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

Connect and cooperate to create value and opportunities to build a prosperous world