⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was published before the separation. [Read more]

Nirvana Capital Invests in TTC Protocol

Maro — Official Blog
2 min readMay 21, 2018


Today, we are very excited to announce Nirvana Capital, a crypto fund with strong presence both in Silicon Valley and Beijing, joined TTC Protocol as an investor.

Nirvana Capital

Nirvana Capital, a cryptofund founded by the early supporters of Ethereum, invests on Blockchain-based projects and companies. Alfred Jiang, the founding partner of Nirvana Capital, first invested in Ethereum in August 2014 while attending Draper University as a student. With a successful return on his first investments, he started his own fund with other experienced partners in early 2017. In its first year, they have invested in 0X , Qtum and Omise Go. In 2018, it has expanded its portfolio with other key projects, such as IOST, Cortex and Theta. Nirvana Capital was recognized as one of the best performing fund of 2018.

TTC protocol has a very unique incentive design that will unleash the power of crypto-economy in its ecosystem. It has a full star team with vast knowledge in both Blockchain and VC business.

- Alfred Jiang, Founding Partner of Nirvana Capital

Welcome on board, Nirvana Capital. We are excited to have one more amazing partner for this journey of becoming the largest token-incentivized social networking protocol in the world.

Please stay tuned for the further announcements. For any questions, please join our telegram channel.

— Team TTC

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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