⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was announced before the separation. [Read more]

Meet the Team #1: Olivia Song

Olivia Song
Maro — Official Blog
4 min readJan 8, 2019


Hi, everyone.
This is Olivia Song, the Marketing Manager at TTC Protocol.

In 2019, I will be running an interview series called “Meet the Team” to share the insider’s view of TTC Protocol. It is a write up on a brief 15-min interview with people deeply involved with TTC Protocol. It could be a team member, an investor, a follower, an advisor or maybe you!

To kick start this interview series, I decided to interview myself first.
Hope you enjoy!

Q. What made you become interested in Blockchain?

I first encountered the word “Blockchain” in early 2018 while working as a marketing specialist at an international marketing agency. Being one of the few Korean members in the team, I was naturally exposed to and responsible for projects that are based in Korea. One of the key projects that I was in charge of was Beyond Blocks, a blockchain summit that had over 2,500 attendees last July. It was an eye-opening experience for me, as it is rare to witness such global attention focused in Korea regarding any industry. Looking back, that was the day I got hooked into the Blockchain industry. After I got hooked into Blockchain, I inevitably read books, attended events, and eventually, am now an active part of it.

I got “Work Hard, Play Harder” award in my previous company.

Q. How did you join TTC Protocol team? Why?

I had done the deep-dive research on various blockchain projects at my previous job, and TTC Protocol caught my eyes for one simple reason: Speed. Its development progress, in terms of both business and technology, was simply incomparable to others. Yet, I could see that the project could definitely benefit from a more unified branding and marketing strategy. Hence, I developed a few ideas that I thought would be good for the team.

One day, I learned that TTC Protocol was holding its first meetup in Seoul, hence signed up immediately (it was one of the biggest and most educational blockchain meetups I attended.) After the meetup, I just had to talk with the team, so I cold messaged Brian (CEO of TTC Protocol) and told him I wanted to meet the team in Korea. That message led me to several chats over coffee, few interviews, and my current position at TTC Protocol.

TTC Protocol’s 1st Seoul meetup — I’m the one in red blouse.

Q. What are the things you want to contribute to TTC Protocol? What would you want to learn?

I am a marketer specialized in startups, with strength in storytelling and networking. In my previous work, I have helped major startups and blockchain projects, such as Toss, Watcha (Contents Protocol) and ICON to build a solid presence in the Korean market. Using these experience, I want to contribute to creating a solid and concrete image of TTC Protocol for everyone.

When it comes to the receiving end, I think I can learn a lot from the operational speed of the team. The blockchain industry is one of the fastest evolving industries in the world (as people say, “Crypto never sleeps”), and I dare to say that our team is one of the fastest projects in the industry.

Q. What are the main similarities and differences between Blockchain industry and others?

Here is a snapshot of what I learned in the past 2 months. As the industry is newly born, everyone is still testing to verify an effective marketing strategy. Every project benchmarks one another using Twitter, Medium, Telegram and so forth, just for the sake of FOMO. Also, there is a always the question about ROI because the audience size is still relatively small.

Yet, the core needs of “marketing” are nonetheless the same even in the blockchain industry: To sell the idea of our product/project to more audience more efficiently.

Q. What are your career goals?

In short terms, I want to put my root down in the blockchain industry. It is the uber-fast moving industry with new concepts and idea popping up every day, if not within hours. This is something I have not yet witnessed in my previous career. I need to adapt and adjust myself to such speedy environments. So far, it is challenging but I am enjoying it very much as well.

For the long term goal, I want to become a marketer who can both read the global trends and lead a detailed operation. Ultimately, I would like to be an influential person, at a global level. I am still searching for what, though.

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.

