Tigris Protocol — Foundation’s CLAY Token Staking Begins

One fifth (1/5) of the TTC Foundation’s unstaked CLAY tokens will be re-staked today

Maro — Official Blog
2 min readDec 30, 2019


On Oct 13th, the TTC Foundation announced that it would unstake 250m CLAY tokens from Tigris Rewards Program and would restake them over a 1.5 year period.

Following the announced schedule, the TTC Foundation will restake 50m CLAY tokens today (Dec 30th, 2019), as the first part of the restaking process. As a result, the total staked CLAY tokens within the Tigris Protocol will increase from roughly 420m to 470m.

You will see the changes on the total number of staked CLAY tokens tomorrow. The actual effect on the rewards amount will take a place, starting on January 1st, 2020.

Restaking Schedule

250m CLAY tokens, unstaked on Oct 13th 2019 by TTC Foundation, will be re-staked based on the following schedule.

✅ 2019/12/30: 50,000,000 CLAY (Now)
◻️2020/03/30: 50,000,000 CLAY
◻️️️️2020/06/30 : 50,000,000 CLAY
◻️2020/12/30 : 50,000,000 CLAY
◻️2021/03/30 : 50,000,000 CLAY

Total: 250,000,000 CLAY

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Thank you,

TTC Foundation | Tigris Protocol

About Tigris Protocol

Tigris Protocol is an open, trusted and interoperable Decentralized Financial (DeFi) service built on the TTC Blockchain Platform. It provides effortless crypto loans, stable daily rewards, and paramount security. For details, visit our website.To receive the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website.To receive the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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