Tigris Protocol Website and Whitepaper Unveiled

Learn more about the Decentralized Financial service Tigris Protocol

Maro — Official Blog
3 min readJul 19, 2019


Tigris Protocol is an open, trusted and interoperable Decentralized Financial (DeFi) service built on the TTC Blockchain Platform. It provides effortless crypto loans, stable daily rewards, and paramount security. We expect the coevolving ecosystems of Tigris Protocol, TTC, and Acorn Protocol will accelerate the mass adoption of blockchain technology as it offers a whole new way to store, manage and use one’s assets.

The Tigris Protocol Whitepaper and official website have been released today, July 19, 2019. The Whitepaper is released in English, and more languages will be released shortly. The website supports Korean, Chinese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Russian, and of course in English.

Tigris Protocol Website

Origin of Tigris Protocol

The name ‘Tigris’ comes from the Tigris River where the ancient civilization of Babylon thrived. Babylonians were the first ones to conceptualize and utilize a ledger-based currency. They used clay tablets to keep transaction records to indicate who has how much currency in their possession. It was one of the earliest ledger driven economies in human history.

Just like clay was the material that enabled such an innovative economy to be conceived, Tigris Protocol is also empowered by a native cryptocurrency called CLAY. As a simple clay board revolutionized ancient finance, we hope CLAY will revolutionize DeFi services.

Merits of Tigris Protocol

Tigris Protocol is composed of a series of financial services, such as Collateralized Debt Service (CDS), TTC Staking Service (TSS), Tigris Reward Program, and Tigris Card (physical payment card), which integrates blockchain technology at its core.

With Tigris Protocol, there are 3 key benefits: You can borrow crypto with crypto, earn crypto with crypto, and have peace of mind as your assets are safe with Tigris Protocol. The following explanations overview the key merits of Tigris Protocol. You can find more info from our website and Whitepaper.

First of all, via the CDS, any user can borrow fiat-pegged stablecoins with a touch of a button anywhere, anytime. The stablecoins are not only useful for easy online/offline payments in our everyday lives but also a great way for us to hedge our assets. Paying back is also simple and the service fee can be as low as 2.50%. The loans will be able to be taken out with TTC and TST-20 tokens initially. More cryptocurrencies will be supported as collateral in the near future.

Secondly, the TSS and Tigris Reward Program allow users to seamlessly stake their asset for stable and continuous daily rewards. Users can simply click to stake and just sit back and relax to receive their daily rewards. TSS guarantees at least a 7% higher return in voting rewards, while the Tigris Reward Program utilizes CLAY to offer more than one source of income for a profitable return. Learn more about the Tigris Reward Program from the Whitepaper.

Last but not least, Tigris Protocol's DeFi services are safe to use as it is operated by a series of smart contracts. It is governed by an efficient mathematical logic that is immune to attacks. Users who borrow or stake can all do so knowing their loans are stable and their assets are safe. Tigris Protocol offers its users peace of mind.

Token Generation Event

Tigris Protocol will soon begin the TGE (Token Generation Event) of its native token, CLAY.

CLAY has many usages within the Tigris Protocol ecosystem. Regarding users, it is mainly used for paying for loan service fees and the Tigris Reward Program. In terms of the entire system, CLAY composes a large portion of the Tigris Reserve along with TTC to maintain a stable value of its stablecoins and guarantee the safety of user assets.

The details on how to participate in the TGE will be announced shortly and can be checked from the Tigris Protocol website.

We have many more exciting updates on its way. So, stay tuned.

If you have any further questions, please contact us through our Telegram group or email.

Thank you.

TTC Foundation

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website.To receive the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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