TTC Foundation Investing in Pluto Chain to Grow Together

3 key reasons why we invested in Pluto Chain

Maro — Official Blog
3 min readMar 26, 2020


Dear Community,

We are making a 2.5m TTC investment in ‘Pluto Chain’. The fund comes from the Ecosystem Fund, which was formed to support the growth and expansion of the TTC Ecosystem. In this article, we will explain why we decided to make this investment.

Why we invested in Pluto Chain

This is the first investment we made to the external dapp developers. We had our first meeting on October last year and it took us 6 months to finally commit to the project. We had many questions and concerns and each time, Pluto Chain team came back with a right answer, and more.

Here are three key reasons why we decided to make the investment in Pluto Chain.

1. Solid Products

While most crypto projects are about vision and plans, Pluto Chain team was, from day 1, all about products. Pluto Chain came with a very promising track record: A crypto trading bot service called ‘Crypto Manager’, launched in 2019, was generating profits for months and was handling 2B USD worth of liquidity annually through global top tier exchanges.

Leveraging the already existing product, they started to develop two TTC dapps:

  • Coin Surf: a comprehensive cryptocurrency investment platform, and
  • PlutoNode: An all-in-one node rewarding program for everyday users.

We believe that combined with Crypto Manager, their lineup of products will provide a complete crypto investment experience to users.

2. Proven Team

Pluto Chain is led by individuals who survived the hardship of both startup and crypto scene. The team never failed to perform the speedy execution with a pin-point vision. Since our first chat in October, here are team’s achievements in a nutshell:

  • Converting Crypto Manager to the web-based service
  • Building an alpha version of PlutoNode
  • Completing the basic architecture and front UI of Coin Surf
  • Partnered with handful of top-tier global exchanges

Moreover, Pluto Chain team has been very loyal support within the TTC community being one of the first TTC Representatives at the launching of the TTC mainnet ‘Rigi’.

3. Perfect Fit (with TTC)

To be exact, TTC Foundation is more closer to SI (Strategic Investor) than FI (Financial Investor), meaning our investment theme revolves around one big question: “Will this investment help TTC ecosystem to grow?”

We believe that TTC ecosystem can greatly benefit from having Pluto Chain’s solid product lineup as TTC dapps. New dapp services will attract more users and traction into the ecosystem.

Pluto Chain team already is in process of converting Crypto Manager into TTC dapp for the fast transaction speed and its stability, while building other two products to be fully integrated with TTC Blockchain as well.

We will continue to work with projects and developers to expand our ecosystem toward the mass adoption of blockchain.

Stay tuned by following the official Telegram and twitter.

— TTC Foundation

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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