TTC Mainnet Rigi Launched

One Mainnet for Billions

Maro — Official Blog
5 min readMar 31, 2019


March 31st 2019 — At 12:00 (UTC+8), the TTC mainnet Rigi has officially launched.

We published TTC Whitepaper 1.0 about a year ago with a vision of building (a blockchain) for billions. To achieve this goal, the team has been making significant scientific and engineering progresses and refining the products continuously to deliver a scalable, secure, high-performance blockchain.

The TTC testnet ‘Merapi’ introduced a blockchain with a new structural design and consensus. The TTC Whitepaper 2.0 explains the technological and philosophical improvements we applied to architect a sustainable token economy model.

The launch of mainnet Rigi marks a critical step towards developing an independent ecosystem for over 30 million users across the Acorn Alliance; the first step toward a mass adoption of blockchain technology.

Today, as the mainnet Rigi launched, we wanted to take a moment to reflect the key progress and future plans afterward.

Explaining the mainnet Rigi

With TTC, we aim to solve the problems of existing blockchain solutions, especially in dealing with large-scale transactions and a large number of usage scenarios. TTC mainnet Rigi is a blockchain solution for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model, providing a user-friendly, yet highly effective blockchain experience.

The mainnet Rigi has the following three main characteristics:

1. Consensus mechanism (Multi-tier BFT-DPoS)
Multi-tier BFT-DPoS is a consensus algorithm based on DPoS. BFT mechanism improves the speed of transactions. Ideally, the confirmation time is the same as the time when a new block is generated, which greatly improves the processing efficiency of blockchain. The multi-tier Representative selection mechanism provides a fair opportunity for more candidates.

2. Master and slave chain structure
There is one master network and multiple slave networks on TTC. The master network mainly deals with asset transactions and has high requirements for security. The slave network mainly deals with data and has high requirements for real-time performance. The separation of master and slave network can effectively improve the performance, security and degree of decentralization of the whole system.

3. TTC Resources
TTC provides numerous tools to lower the hurdle for both developers and users, such as:

  • TTC SDK: All-in-one SDK to build DAPPs on TTC (SDK Docs | Github)
  • TTC Pay: A payment solution on TTC Master network for the convenience of TTC transaction. (Github)
  • TTC Connect: TTC Connect is the official mobile wallet app for the TTC ecosystem. (Android | iOS)

Acorn Protocol

Acorn Protocol is the first protocol built on TTC blockchain, with $ACN being the first TST-20 token generated.

Acorn Protocol is a blockchain-based protocol empowering social network to incentivize users for its user participation, with a goal of disrupting the unjust value distribution of centralized social networks. Every day, Acorn Rewards Engine distributes ACN to users who make social contributions to Acorn Alliance services.

Seven services joined Acorn Alliance, providing over 32 million users to Acorn ecosystem. Through the Acorn Protocol and ACN, the users, DAPPs, advertisers and third-party service will composed a rich and colorful ecological system.

Next Steps

Now that TTC mainnet Rigi is launched, here are the list of events that will take place. (not in a chronological order)

Stabilization Period

Right after the mainnet launches, it goes through what we call “Stabilization period”. As the name suggest, the purpose of this process is to ensure that the mainnet Rigi runs as intended. During this period, which could take up to a week, the mainnet is run by Guardian Nodes, temporary nodes operated and managed by TTC Foundation.

The stabilization period will officially end when TTC Foundation will confirm and announce the mainnet is stabilized. All the other steps will be initiated afterward.

TTC Token Swap

For the current ERC20 TTC token holders, we will provide a safe and smooth Token Swap process.

The details on Token Swap beyond basic guidelines will be provided to the community for token holders to carry out token swap safely and smoothly. Please join our telegram channel or subscribe to TTC newsletter to stay updated.

Representative Election

TTC is a decentralized blockchain network with a DPoS consensus. Its governance and network is supported and managed by elected Representatives.

On February, we opened the application form to public to recruit the candidates for Representatives. The application is open to anyone who wishes to participate and contribute to TTC ecosystem. For more details on the application, please check our official homepage.

The Representative election is planned to being within a week after the launch of token swap. The full list of candidates with detailed information will be disclosed prior to the election. More details will be announced through official channels.

TTC Decentralized Exchange (TDEX)

Named “TDEX”, a decentralized exchange for TTC and TST-20 tokens is on the way. TDEX will be first embedded in TTC Connect, where TTC holders and Acorn Alliance users would manage their assets.

$TTC is the cryptocurrency in circulation on the TTC mainnet, used for asset transactions, deployment of smart contracts, purchase of slave chain resources and other purposes. $ACN is the universal cryptocurrency for Acorn Ecosystem. $ACN can be used to purchase the service and items from Acorn Alliance service and promote contents through Acorn AD Networks.

TDEX will not only supports the second-level token exchange, but also invigorates the $ACN (and other future TST20 tokens) by providing the flexible value exchange. It will help the overall TTC ecosystem to more abundant and $TTC and $ACN to jointly improve the TTC ecosystem and promote its rapid development.

The launching of mainnet Rigi is simply a first step towards ‘building for billions’, and we are glad to start this journey with such a strong support and trust from the community.

Thank you for your support,
TTC Foundation

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.

About Acorn Protocol

Acorn Protocol is a blockchain protocol for social networks to seamlessly implement a rewarding system for its user participation. We work to disrupt the unjust value distribution of centralized social networks.



Maro — Official Blog

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