⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was published before the separation. [Read more]

Hashed Night at Seoul Recap

TTC Protocol’s VP, Chase Chang spoke on Hashed Night’s discussion panel


Dear supporters,

Chase Chang, VP of Ecosystem of TTC Protocol, has spoken on Hashed Night, which was one of the most hottest events from the Korea Blockchain Week. He spoke on the panel discussion along speakers from MediBloc, Carry Protocol, Cosmochain, and Contents Protocol. Here is a recap regarding the event.

Hashed Night

Sponsored and hosted by the largest crypto fund and accelerator in Korea, Hashed Night is an event dedicated to building connections. The team holds exclusive conferences, events, networking nights, and parties around the world; inviting movers and shakers in the blockchain industry to come mingle with the best and brightest.

On Hashed Night, many influential people gather from all over the world to speak and share their thoughts about the future of Blockchain. The official Schedule of Hashed Night was as listed below.

  • 4:00pm — 5:00pm “Registration”
  • 5:00pm — 5:15pm “DarcMatter (Sang Lee, Co-Founder & CEO)”
  • 5:15pm — 5:30pm “Passport (Philip Yuen, CEO)”
  • 5:30pm — 5:45pm “Pluto (Junseon Yoo, Founder)”
  • 5:45pm — 5:55pm “Break Time”
  • 5:55pm — 6:15pm “Panel Discussion”

TTC Protocol (Chase Chang, VP of Ecosystem)
MediBloc (Eunsol Lee, Co-Founder)
Carry Protocol (Richard Choi, Co-Founder & Co-CEO)
Cosmochain (Howon Song, CEO)
Contents Protocol (John Kim, Business Development Manager)

  • 6:15pm — 6:30pm “XCHNG (Charles Manning, Founder & CEO of Kochava)”
  • 6:30pm — 6:45pm “Dfinity (Dominic Williams, President & Chief Scientist)
  • 6:45pm — 6:50pm “Hahsed”
  • 6:50pm — 10:00pm “After Party”

Summary of Panel Discussion Related to TTC Protocol

Q. Please tell us briefly about your projects and where you are in terms of timeline.

A. TTC Protocol is a social network protocol. We are building an ecosystem, aggregating various types of social networks and online communities, where users claim their rightful value of online social activities. We will break the current centralized value system and will redistribute the value back to each and every participants, fairly and transparently. Our easy-to-integrate SDK will empower new and existing platforms to implement and benefit from the blockchain technology, without building its own token economy.

This month, we will migrate 13m users to TTC ecosystem, and another 10m within 3rd quarter.

Q. What does decentralization mean to your project? What changes do you envision?

A. To TTC Protocol, decentralization is all about scalability and user adoption. The blockchain technology enabled a totally transparent distribution of value, and it frees companies from a trust issue on partnership. On a decentralized ecosystem, services can make business decisions with same information and under same guideline.

We believe that such openness will attract more services to enter the decentralized business environments and we are trying our best to attract them into TTC Ecosystem.

Q. Building a strong community for a sustainable growth is essential. Can you share more on your strategy regarding the matter?

A. TTC Protocol’s strategy for growing its ecosystem might seem like B2C, but it is closer to B2B.

The migration of online/mobile users onto blockchain is completely different from offline to online and online to mobile user migrations. Traditionally, users had to buy a computer and gain internet access or buy a smartphone and download apps. In other words, certain user activities were required to jump from offline to online and to mobile. However, the implementation of TTC protocol onto existing services is the only step required to migrate the user base of online/mobile social networking services onto a blockchain based TTC ecosystem.

Therefore, as the expansion of TTC’s ecosystem is largely based on the decision of businesses, TTC Protocol will focus on B2B strategies. The strategies which we will focus on include value-to-value partnerships, investments, and the acquisition of services.

Q. When do you think the actual token utility of the network will be the major reason to hold tokens? What efforts are you doing to accelerate that timeline in your project?

A. TTC is a utility token; meaning its value depends heavily on two factors: user adoption and usage.

I have explained about our strategy and plans for user adoption, hence I will talk a bit about how we will expand the usage of TTC token. On TTC Ecosystem, TTC token becomes the in-service (in-app) currency for all the users on all DAPPs. Because TTC Protocol is integrated to existing services with existing business models (such as in-app purchases), as more DAPPs join, the usage of TTC token expands naturally.

In simple words, we believe that user adoption — or DAPP acquisition — is the key to token utility expansion.

Q. Tell us more about your future plans.

A. There are so much to share and discuss regarding our future plans, however, this quarter will be a very important stage for TTC Protocol.

First of all, the launching of TTC Protocol’s first officially tested dApp will commence. This will migrate 13m users on to TTC Protocol’s ecosystem. Also, the second dApp, ALIVE, which is a global video sharing platform, will soon add another 10m users. And, to improve the governance of TTC Protocol, Team TTC will be releasing its official wallet and testnet later this quarter.

Our KPI is to grow the integrated users of the TTC ecosystem to 100m by the end of this year.

If you have any questions, reach us through our telegram channel and official email. We will continuously share the updates and progress to the community.

— Team TTC

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



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