⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was published before the separation. [Read more]

TTC Protocol — Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Russian Whitepaper Translation Complete

Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Russian translations of TTC Protocol’s updated Whitepaper have been concluded

Maro — Official Blog


We inform you that the official update of the final versions on to our website will occur after the proofreading process is complete.

Dear supporters,

About a month ago, significant updates were introduced to the TTC Protocol Whitepaper. And, these changes were followed up by some major developmental news such as partnering with Hacken, releasing the TTC Protocol test network, “Marapi,” and mobile wallet app, “TTC Connect.”

Download TTC Connect and tataUFO to Experience the TReE and TTC Ecosystem Dynamics

⚠️ TTC testnet coins distributed on the Merapi test network does not carry real-world value. TTC Connect is also connected with the Merapi test network, thus not compatible with ERC-20 TTCs.

TTC Connect

Apple App Store (iOS)
Google Play Store (Android)
Download APK directly(Android)


Apple App Store (iOS)
Google Play Store (Android)
Download APK directly (Android)

As TTC Protocol is advancing at a remarkable pace, we are also concentrating on expanding our global community. To introduce TTC Protocol worldwide and inform potential members on why it is important to become a part of the community at an early stage, we have launched the International Whitepaper Translation Bounty Program.

Involving the Community

Since Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the concept of decentralization into our lives, open source has been the core ideology of any blockchain based project. And, our team understand involving the community, advancing with the community, and the community directly improving the outcome TTC Protocol is an essential aspect of a successful project. Thus, unlike many companies out there, we have launched the TTC Whitepaper Translation Bounty as a genuine Crowdsource Program; anyone can apply and participate in progressing TTC Protocol.

We thank the following contributors. After the proofreading process is concluded, 10,000 TTCs will be airdropped for each language according to the translator’s respective contribution.


Remarkable Power of the Community

Though the Translation Bounty was designed as Crowdsource due to the open source ideology of blockchain, we will be Crowdsourcing most future programs because of the remarkable speed and efficiency of our community. The first translation program was launched in Korean, which was concluded within 24 hours. Astonished by the remarkable power of the community, the Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Russian Program was launched last week. Over the weekend, the Indonesian Program was concluded and throughout the week, the other two have been completed. All translations were finished at a remarkable speed.

The community source translation bounty program will be launched in many more languages. So, if you are interested in participating to become a contributor and would like to sign up to secure your position before the official launch of your language, please apply via the link below.

Apply for The TTC Protocol Translation Bounty Program

Community outreach and global involvement are important for TTC Protocol. We will be putting in great effort to lower the entry barrier to TTC Protocol for the general public. Thus, many more community source programs will come, stay tuned.

Along with the community source programs, the blockchain tools of TTC Protocol and its expansion strategies all focus on building blockchain for billions. Try out our wallet and experience TTC Protocol via the links above.

Bug Bounty Program

To better the TTC Protocol experience and improve its ecosystem, code enthusiasts are invited to join our community. Each individuals’ contribution will become part of a change which will impact billions.

Bug Bounty : https://hackenproof.com/ttc/ttc-protocol
Github : https://github.com/TTCECO/gttc

As it is an extremely exciting time and phase for TTC protocol, reaching out and correlating with additional communities will definitely provide us a solid base for further developments. We hope to further involve our beloved community members to provide a better environment for billions.

If you have any questions, reach us through our telegram channel and official email. We will continuously share updates and progress to the community. Thank you for your support and interest in TTC Protocol.

— TTC Foundation

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

Connect and cooperate to create value and opportunities to build a prosperous world