⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was published before the separation. [Read more]

TTC Protocol, Invited to BAC and Huobi Carnival

This week, TTC Protocol will be speaking at the BAC (Blockchain Accelerate Conference) and attending Huobi Carnival as a VIP project

Maro — Official Blog


Dear supporters,

Team TTC will be attending two major blockchain events this week. One is the the Blockchain Accelerate Conference (BAC) and the other is the Huobi Carnival.

TTC Protocol will be attending both events. Our CEO, Brian Cheong, will be participating at the Huobi Carnival as a VIP participant, while TTC Protocol’s VP of Ecosystem, Chase Chang will be speaking at BAC. Both will be sharing ideas about recent developments of TTC Protocol and how TTC will introduce innovative changes to next generation social networking platforms.

Blockchain Accelerate Conference (7/31)

The Blockchain Accelerate Conference is dedicated to introducing and sharing the ideology of various powerful blockchain accelerators. Well-known crypto funds such as Chain Partners, FoundationX, Hashed, and SparkLabs will be participating and introducing their philosophy behind blockchain and their methods regarding incubation and acceleration of prominent projects.

This is one of the biggest blockchain events in Korea. And because it addresses current limitations of blockchain and discusses how we can reshape the future of blockchain, it could be said that it is one of biggest in the world. Nonetheless, beyond the discussions about blockchain itself, many projects such as TTC Protocol, Cosmochain, and ICE Protocol will be introduced and exposed to influential companies and those who are interested.

Huobi Carnival (8/2–8/3)

Huobi Carnival is a cryptocurrency focused conference hosted by the leading global digital asset exchange platform Huobi. The Carnival is a festival gathering blockchain experts and the most innovative project teams seeking for decentralization in one place.

As one can see from the Huobi Carnival Poster above, each dot represents individuals while colors symbolize innovative technology and value. These dots will eventually become one based on consensus. The final masterpiece will implement a decentralized world “free from regulation” while fully incorporating the carnival spirit.

Many prominent projects and influential figures will be speaking at both events. We are proud and thrilled to be among those.

If you have any questions, please reach us through our telegram channel or official email. We will continuously share updates and progress to the community.

— Team TTC

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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