⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was announced before the separation. [Read more]

Roadmap Updates

TTC Protocol’s Roadmap for Q4 of 2018 and Q1 of 2019 has been updated

Maro — Official Blog


Dear supporters,

TTC Protocol is tirelessly pursuing its vision and goals. Continuous contemplation on how to provide a better service and developmental efforts for the improvement of TTC Protocol will bring the vitalization of the TTC Ecosystem. As a milestone of such efforts, we have updated our roadmap for Q4 of 2018 and Q1 of 2019.

[Updated Roadmap of TTC Protocol]

2018 Q4

- TTC Scan Launch
- TTC Protocol Testnet 2nd Phase Launch: Multichain Solution
- TTC SDK Payment Module Application
- TTC Wallet Payment Function Application
- Testnet Compatibility Testing of Various DAPPs

2019 Q1

- Representative Voting Commencement
- TTC Ad Network Beta Version Launch
- TTC Rigi Mainnet Official Launch
- TTC Reward Engine (TReE) Official Launch
- Compatibility Testing of Additional DAPPs

Merapi testnet compatibility and stability testing will continue with the announced partners of TTC Alliance. The first partners of the alliance are currently undergoing developmental and structural updates and changes to optimize the service’s compatibilty with TReE. Furthermore, during the fourth quarter of 2018, additional online communites from various countries will join the TTC Alliance and be tested for compatibility and stability issues as the testnet will feature technical advancements such as the multichain solution.

The application of a payment module into the TTC SDK will also take place before 2019. The users of any app/web service that integrated the TTC SDK will be able to use TTCs as a method of payment when the payment module is added. Members, DAPP users, of the TTC Ecosystem will be able to pay for goods and services with TTCs in both app and web settings. Also, beyond the partners of TTC Protocol, any potential partners such as online shopping malls which support online payments can seemlessly implement the TTC SDK to initiate financial transactions purely dealt with TTCs.

During the first quarter of 2019, the voting for Representatives will commence. The election of Representatives will be followed by the official launch of TTC Protocol’s Rigi Mainnet, TReE, and the beta version of the Ad network. The Ad network will be operated amid the entire Ecosystem to usher in the vitalization of the TTC Ecosystem and the utilization of TTCs. Various advertisers will have the opportunity to become a crucial part of the Ecosystem to create a continuous demand for TTCs. In other words, the launch of the TTC Ad network will clearly define the supplier and consumer of TTCs and show us that the coin economy of the TTC Ecosystem can actually come to life via healthy circulation.

If you have any questions, reach us through our telegram channel and official email. We will continuously share updates and progress to the community. Once again, thank you for your support and interest in TTC Protocol.

— TTC Protocol

Bug Bounty Program

To better the TTC Protocol experience and improve its ecosystem, code enthusiasts are invited to join our community. Each individuals’ contribution will become part of a change which will impact billions.

Bug Bounty : https://hackenproof.com/ttc/ttc-protocol
Github : https://github.com/TTCECO/gttc

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

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